How some Hindu people treat some Hindu Preachers....The Asian Wedding Industry in Britain in 2017....

How some people treat some Preachers....The Asian Wedding Industry in Britain in 2017....A recent meeting with a family prompted me to write this piece. A mother was enquiring for a preacher for 2018 for her daughter's wedding. Adamant she wanted to meet me promptly we met at my home address.

The brides mother, the bride and her fiancée came into the house. During the meeting the bride appeared lost and her fiancée didn't really appear bothered about meeting me. People forget that as a police officer with 23 years service body language is something we easily pick up on. The meeting continued and the mother asked me, "How would you deal with noisy people?" I responded by asking her, "What she meant?" Of course I dealt with the question but really is this something that one should be asking a preacher? A preacher is an invited guest, not a slave.

The bride then continued, and I ascertained they were from Bayswater. I wasn't surprised that they appeared to look down their noses at me. And this was going downhill. Yes, this is what some people do and this is why I often get upset when people like this come to my house to look around and assess me; based on their own lack of understanding.

She then asked whether I had a wedding coming up. I advised I had many, at which point she said it was difficult as they had not seen me perform a wedding and asked whether they could attend one. Oh dear. I explained she might not be happy if I invited someone to her wedding to view me and that I was not in a position to ask any father of the bride whether someone who might or might not wish to invite me to conduct their prayers could attend his daughter's wedding to shop for a preacher.

Her fiancée said nothing. They then asked whether I had a video. Am I a film or something? I tried to explain weddings are private matters; what bride would give me a copy of their video to show to others?

This was a telling meeting. It was plain and obvious that this family were window shopping, and that they had not bothered to even read my website at all. Above all, they appeared not to have trust or faith.

At the end of the meeting the mother asked me to pencil the date in my diary for them and they left. I thought long and heard that evening about how I had been demeaned and assessed, how this family had been pushy to see me during my peak times, which suited them, and how they had asked unprofessional requests and questions. What was worse though was they came into my house and began judging me.

The next day I texted the mother and said I don't provisionally book dates in my diary for anyone. Oh, she read the imessage. Three weeks later I get an imessage asking me not to reserve any dates for them as their plans had changed. Three weeks later. Thanks. :-)

Now, if I had not responded for three weeks, I wonder what they would have told others about me. The Asian Wedding industry is riddled with middle class asian people who judge others, seek perfection, and look down at others. Yet what they search for is theatre and unreal. Comparisons, and desires to be the best. Shows.

As Bollywood dream weddings increase in frequency, everyone wants perfection, and asian wedding suppliers who create a premier league in preaching aren't helping.

I have to decide now, do I let people like this, "window shoppers" into my home or do I conduct first meetings in a coffee shop. I am afraid no more meetings will take place in my house unless I am sure people are actually genuine. I mean, would you let a stranger who is shopping into your house?


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