How high can you jump?
The higher you can jump, the further you can hit the ball.
There is a correlation between how high you can jump vertically and how far you hit the ball. You can take this one step further by looking at the driving distances on the PGA Tour money list - there is a correlation between driving distance and how much money you make. This relates to another topic of 'strokes gained' that I have previously discussed. On average the closer you are to the hole, the less shots you will take. Everything adds up, right?
So, the average PGA Tour player can jump anywhere between 20 and 22 inches in height, the longer hitters will get to around 32 inches and the long drive specialists will get to around 36" - similar to an NBA player!
If you can jump 20 inches (vertically) you should be able to get around 165mph ball speed. This would equate to around 112mph driver clubhead speed and a carry distance of around 269 yards - pretty average on tour - but still extremely long!
How does that equate on the golf course? Well, I am sure you have heard many times - 'don't jump at it"! Well, actually the longest drivers on tour do actually 'jump at it'. The difference is that they are creating the speed through rotation, using the upward lift of a 'jump' near impact to gain the maximum power. The upward movement raises the handle of the club, shallowing out the clubhead, creating a more upward hit on the golf ball.
Shallow angle = High launch and less spin
High launch and less spin = MORE DISTANCE
If you remember at school, Newton's Third Law - For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The force you are pushing with is coming back into your body and if you can harness that power, which the longest drivers do, into rotary power you are going to hit the ball further.
So practice your jumps and let me know how high you can jump.
If you have any questions or would like to book in for a lesson you can contact me on [email protected] or 07957309547