How to be a hero on any flight!
Gary German
Chief Guest Experience Officer Orion Travel Technologies, Inc. Med Tech Migration, inc. , Bonsoir, Inc.
Lots of folks have tried this wonderful technique and it truly works! Trust me, I was a flight attendant for Continental Airlines for many years. Always when I came back from out of the country through our own customs check. For some reason, I always got searched. It was the early eighties, I had a mustache as I do today. So instead of finding drugs on me they always found a small bag of blow-up balloons. Which sometimes led to a full body search.
Even my peers who flew with me asked the same questions when they did not know me well. Well the answer always was kids, really loud small screaming kids from small infants to kids with crazy smirks on their faces always riling up the entire manifest. Back in the day, I made a lot of money in tips by handing out tons of small bottles of alcohol on short and long hauls. Until one day, I decided not to be greedy and to be a hero.
I remember back in College at Oklahoma State, I would woose good looking sorority girls by blowing up balloons and turning them into small animals. Neven knowing at the time it would turn me into a hero 30 thousand feet in the air.
Well folks, if you want to be a hero, learn how to make small animals out of blowing up a balloon. Screaming diabolical kids really admire someone who walks up to them from the back of the plane to entertain them when their ears are popping and they're tired with wet diapers.
The best part is, their smiles. But you also double that with the applause you get from the rest of the plane.
The reason I remember this, this is how I became an actor in Hollywood. A producer noticed me when I was working first class and that I dropped everything including the mimosas and grabbed my little bag of balloons and rushed to coach to save the day. I guess he thought I had enough charisma to make a kid laugh and smile that I could do the same in-front of the camera!
So there you go, the secret is out. I also understand that lots of folks have done this to. I just hope more of you get on the bandwagon and have some fun on a bad dismal flight where no one is smiling because of one unruly child. You now know how to change the mood of the entire passenger list. I always thought what would happen if I just had two balloons left in my little ziplock bag and there were triplets lighting it up near the bulkhead. Good Luck!