How to Help People for Free But Still Make?Money

(Updated 9–24–2022)

New bloggers often fear: how can you make money blogging if you help people for free?

But the opposite mindset rings true.

Bloggers make money online ONLY because they help people for free for a long time. Help people for free through:

  • blog posts
  • guest posts
  • genuine blog comments
  • promoting fellow bloggers through your blog
  • promoting fellow bloggers through social media


after helping people for free generously, patiently and persistently, spanning years.

Monetize your blog through multiple income channels like:

  • writing and self-publishing eBooks
  • creating online courses
  • engaging in affiliate marketing
  • offering coaching services
  • offering freelance services


Re-read the bullet point lists above. Helping people for free through various strategies is the only way to make money blogging. People buy from bloggers they know, like and trust. Help people for free to influence folks to know, like and trust you. Trusting readers buy your eBooks to become customers. Trusting readers hire you to become clients.

What about giving away so much free content? Do you sacrifice making money if you help so many people for free for a long time?


You and I live in a Universe of abundance. No shortages of anything exist, save in the ego. Giving thoughts away increases the power, reach, scale and influence of thoughts because we are all connected. What you give multiplies. Multiplied offerings return to you in due time; first as a good feeling but as traffic and profits, slowly but steadily. Give freely to make money. Giving freely does not rob you of money because how can you lose if what you give only creates gain?

One Important Point

Making money involves:

  • opening multiple streams of income
  • promoting multiple streams of income

Help people for free to gain trust. Monetize your blog to make money blogging.

Bloggers often help people freely but fear monetizing blogs for any number of reasons. Some fear losing readers. Others fear being criticized. Others fear cheapening free content by adding an income component to your blog. But all such fears are illusions in the ego because fear is not real. You and I live in abundance. Open income channels to enjoy worldly living. See charging money as a simple means of exchange. People accessed your helpful free content for years. Allow people to access your helpful premium content by exchanging the premium content for money.

Billions of humans access goods and services daily by exchanging money to receive the good or service. Frame your blog in a similar light. People exchange money to receive something beneficial to the individuals.

Be Generous

Help people generously to gain enough skills, exposure and credibility to be seen in front of targeted eyes. People who love your content buy your stuff and/or hire you to boost blogging profits.

However, being generous for a long time sets the table for gaining:

  • massive exposure
  • rock solid credibility
  • serious skills

Helping enough people for free allows money to flow to you. But most bloggers do not help enough people for free; money does not flow to you until you help enough people for free. No magic number exists as far as figuring out how many people to help for free, to prosper. Stop keeping track. Lose yourself in the process of serving people for free. Become highly skilled. Gain exposure. Build credibility. Be seen, trusted and followed. Gradually, your large, loyal tribe:

to help increase your blogging income.

Do not stop helping people for free or else money does not flow to you. Do not panic if you help people for free for a long time and nothing seems to be happening. Never get stingy. Never hold back. Observe top pro bloggers. Pay close attention to how pros like Harsh Agrawal helped people with free content for a while before he prospered and went pro. Help people for free during your amateur days to position yourself to become a pro blogger.

Practical Tips for Helping People for?Free

A few ideas:

  • write and publish blog posts solving reader problems
  • write and place guest posts solving reader problems
  • broadcast live on Facebook
  • record and upload a video to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube
  • publish a helpful tip to LinkedIn
  • promote fellow bloggers from your niche on Twitter and Facebook
  • promote fellow bloggers from your niche on your blog
  • follow bloggers from your niche; publish genuine comments on their blogs

The prior tips are the real money-making activities because each boosts your skills, exposure and credibility. Monetize through multiple income channels to establish receiving channels through which money flows to you.


I recorded a video a while back explaining this concept.

Check it out here:

How to Help People for Free But Still Make Money


First, help people for free with detailed, in-depth content.

Publish thorough content to your blog to earn trust, exposure and credibility.

As readers trust you they will happily buy your premium offerings, hire you and click on your ads.

Be patient.

Blogging does not yield overnight success.

Publish detailed content patiently, persistently and generously.

Allow targeted traffic and income to flow to you organically.

Originally published at on September 24, 2022.


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