How Heart Health and Longevity Are Interconnected
01. Introduction
Today, we’re talking about the heart. A healthy heart supplies vital oxygen and nutrients to the body, while poor heart health can lead to complications that shorten lifespan and reduce quality of life. In this edition of Inside Longevity, we’ll share the latest research and tips to keep your heart healthy and extend your lifespan.
02. Steps to a Healthier Heart
Heart disease, including common conditions like coronary artery disease, is a major health concern that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Factors such as inflammation, cellular changes, and gut bacteria contribute to this risk. As the leading cause of death, focusing on heart health is crucial to boost longevity. Don’t worry—we’re here to help. Discover 10 science-backed tips to improve your heart health and extend your life.
03. Lower Cholesterol, Healthier Heart
Lowering cholesterol is essential for improving heart health and longevity. High levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and ApoB (encapsulates LDL and VLDL cholesterol) can lead to plaque buildup in arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Factors like diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices play a significant role in managing cholesterol levels. For a comprehensive guide on lowering your cholesterol in a science-based way, check out our detailed article.
04. Are You Getting Enough Omega-3s?
Omega-3 fats are essential for reducing heart disease risk. They reduce inflammation and support the immune system, heart, eyes, and brain. Health organizations recommend sufficient omega-3 intake for optimal health. Boost your omega-3 intake by eating fatty fish four times a week and consuming fish roe. Omega-3 supplementation is also important, but how can you ensure you’re consuming enough omega-3 and that it is of the right quality and form? Check out our guide below for a thorough breakdown.
05. Three NOVOS Customers Featured in Fox News Article
Fox News highlights three NOVOS Customers, Lil Eskey, Julie Gibson Clark, and Amy Hardison, for their world-ranked performance for slowing down their aging. Each shares their health and longevity strategies for dramatically improving their biological age.
What Lil, Julie, and Amy each have in common is that they incorporate NOVOS supplements into their routines, which also includes exercise, balanced nutrition, and mental well-being practices. Julie credits NOVOS with increasing her energy levels and slowing her pace of aging by 8%. While taking NOVOS supplements, Lil’s biological pace of aging slowed from .99 to .77, and Amy’s biological pace of aging was reduced from .86 to .74.