How Healy Works
Hello, the following article was provide by a Timewaver Frequency Therapist. Timewaver is the parent company of Healy. It was founded by Marcus Schmieke who has an absolutely fascinating background. I have some of the interviews with him on my YouTube Channel and will add additional information in future articles.
Timewaver is the foundation for Healy's frequency library in the cloud. Timewaver is not a portable device like Healy and Timewaver is intended to be used by highly trained specialists. Healy can be used by anyone.
Beginning in 2004 the first Timewaver system started to be tested. Within 2 years it was marketed to specialists working to help the physical and emotional health of clients. Since that time over 2000 specialists have been developing frequencies working with over one half million clients.
In 2012 Marcus knew that a device that was much more user friendly for average person and was portable was needed if a lot more people were going to be helped. 7 years later Healy was launched and actually that was January 2019. Today there about 300,000 frequencies in the cloud that are used by Healy based on the specific analysis of what an individual needs. This is not a cookie cutter where everyone gets the same frequencies even if they have the same health concerns. For this reason, Healy is very valuable as a device for our health and Healy cannot be duplicated. There is a lot more to talk about that has been developed and those will be discussed in future articles
How Does Healy Work - Brid Explains (When I first received this article I sent it to a frequency expert on my Healy team. She is a functional medicine professional in Central Florida. I simply asked her what do you think. She text me "it's great".) Following this article is valuable information on free registration.
From?Bríd Anandah Zevi Hanlon:
"So many people are contacting me with questions about how their Healy wearable frequency device can do what it is doing - giving them amazing results! Here is my understanding of the technology as a Timewaver Frequency therapist. How does the Healy device support your health and wellness?
1. The Microcurrent which you receive with each program acts at the cellular level to increase ATP (energy) production in the Mitochondria and Protein synthesis in the Ribosomes. It also improves communication across the cell membrane by increasing cell voltage potential.
(Cheng N., Van Hoof, H., et al., (1982). The Effects of Electric Currents on ATP Generation, Protein Synthesis, and Membrane Transport)
2. Next, the frequencies delivered within the microcurrent by your Healy:
Frequencies work in the same way that Homeopathic remedies work - by Resonance. Equal and opposite waves cancel each other out. There MUST be a near perfect match between the resonant frequency of the issue and the resonant frequency being applied.
Frequencies are used by your Healy to target problems on all levels - physical, emotional and mental. That's why we use a wide range - 2Hz to 10MHz.
3. Third
Healy contains a Quantum Sensor which conducts an Information Field Analysis in the Bioenergetic Field during every program that you run. (Bioenergetics is a field in biochemistry and cell biology that concerns energy flow through living systems. ... That is, the goal of bioenergetics is to describe how living organisms acquire and transform energy in order to perform biological work. That is from my research and not from Brid.) This Information Field Analysis achieves 2 things:
a) It shows which frequencies from the current database are most relevant for you right now and
b) it helps to re-establish a healthy connection between the organs and the Information Field. This is a crucial connection for healthy living and it is one which gets distorted or lost as we suffer trauma, stress, infection etc. The cells cope as best they can while the integrity of the whole is compromised.
Information Field medicine seeks to re-establish coherent communication between the body and the Morphogenic Field in which we exist and which exists within us. (Morphogenic - the development of form and structure in an organism during its growth from embryo to adult.
FREE Registration, FREE Website and Complete Access To Healy Academy
Healy has a binary multi-level marketing compensation plan. Anyone registering is immediately entered into the team and since my team is growing fast you will see people being added in your binary tree. That is very important if you decide to become active in the business. When you are registered you receive your own website. Mine is You will also receive unrestricted access to Healy's Academy which is a tremendous information resource. You will also receive ideas on how you can grow your team and be financially rewarded.
Email me ( [email protected] )the following information and I will register you
First and Last Name,
Physical Address Including Zip ,
Cell Number,
Email Address,
User Name for your website (most use their name)
Preferred Password .
Financially Challenged?? Healy removes all the obstacles. Free registration and help just 3 people invest in a Healy and you receive a Healy Free and you receive commissions on what you sell.
Contact Information
Steve Pohlit, Independent Healy Representative
WhatsApp/Text 727-224-4743
Email [email protected]
Marketing Automation Consultant: I help Auto Dealerships drastically Increase calls to their sales team interested in purchasing a new vehicle or selling their current vehicle.
4 年You are correct, need healthy cells, and good communication at the cellular level for optimal health, and your body to health itself, here is a video explaining that process,