Good day and a great month to you..
Mecure Wecare is here again with our complete health package for you...
We have made it very affordable as our aim is not just THAT YOU HAVE A LONG LIFE BUT THAT YOU HAVE A QUALITY ONE.
For as many as are above 35, we can arrange a chance for you to be screened; Statistically 9 out of 10 Nigerians succumb to any one of the below listed Lifestyle diseases (LSD)
Atherosclerosis, Diabetes II, Stroke, Obesity Index, Metabolic Syndrome, Thyroid dysfunction, Prostate/Breast cancer, Chronic Kidney disease, Chronic Liver disease etc
All we require is 2ml of your blood sample and within 24 hours you would get a risk assessment summary of the 9 LSD @ NO COST
You can then key in based on the outcome with as low as N10,000 to be a part of the program ( PAYING FOR JUST THE ONES YOU ARE AT RISK)
1. You get to relate with Dr. WeCare as regards the LSD paid for. He in turn gives you the necessary treatment or advice.
2. Your money paid is loaded into a Debit card and given to you. You can use it to pay for any extra services or other mecure services
3. You have access to request for our ambulances....
Good health they say is wealth...But I would say Good health is MORE Wealth...
Contact me today for further enquires
Bukola Adekoya
08038414625 [email protected]