How to Heal Your Mind, Heart Body Connection
Andrea Tennant Cox
??Women’s Empowerment Change Maker, Alchemist and Mentor ????Mind, Body and Spirit Alignment ??3D - 5D Transformation Catalyst ?? Live unapologetically ?? Speaker ??Author ?? Be WOW: Wonderful Women of Worth
Mind, heart, and body are intertwined in ways we are still discovering. It is becoming increasingly clear that an individual's physical health is closely tied to their psychological and emotional states, and vice versa. In other words, a person’s mental and emotional wellbeing directly impacts their physical health, and vice versa.
This week my mind, heart and body connection was broken, I lost my voice. It was as though my mind was using my body to stop me from saying something. My throat chakra was completely blocked and It started with a cough, which was probably my first warning sign but as humans we often don't listen or even want to and then we become totally out of alignment. The word disease comes from two words dis and ease meaning feeling uneasy, feeling disconnected and remember our body listens to the mind and creates the symptoms that represent what is going on in our mind.
This kind of connection between the three components of one’s inner self is called the mind-heart-body connection. This is the idea that changes in any of the three components can affect all the others. When this connection is healthy and balanced, a person can be healthy and vital. When it is out of balance, a person’s health can suffer, just like I explained about what happened to me this week.
When the mind-heart-body connection is disrupted, a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health can suffer. For example, physical illness can lead to feelings of depression, which can in turn contribute to feelings of anxiety and further physical illness. Similarly, emotional stress can lead to physical tension and pain, as well as mental fatigue.
The good news is that when the mind-heart-body connection is out of balance, there are things that can be done to restore balance and promote health. For example, regular exercise and activity can help to reduce stress and improve physical health, while focusing on positive thoughts and gratitude can help to improve mental and emotional health. Additionally, activities like yoga and meditation can help to bring the three aspects of self back into balance.
This week I could have curled up into a ball and said poor me, but I have so many tools in my armoury now, so much more understanding that this kind of down time is so precious as it is a chance to take stock. Work out why you are feeling our of sync. What is happening in my life to cause this malfunction. So I spent two days doing the following actions that helped me wake up this morning feeling so much better and able to speak again:
The result for me is that I feel so much better. This is just a suggestion as I know many of you will have different routines you use when you feel disconnected.
If however you are new to all this and I was where you are only 3 years ago becoming aware of the mind-heart-body connection and understanding the steps you can take to maintain balance and promote health is a positive breakthrough and one every human should learn. Through physical activities, positive thinking, and relaxation techniques, you can strive to keep your inner self in balance and reduce the risk of physical and mental illnesses.
Ultimately it is impossible as we are all flawed to keep the balance at all times, but the most important thing is to recognise when you are coming out of balance, understanding the reasons why, knowing what steps you need to take to get you back in balance, taking the time out to take those steps and knowing that every time we rebalance we are learning and growing and training our negative inner mind that it is not in control. So next time you feel out of sorts, take action, do not curl up into a ball and go wow is me, poor me and pander to the negative inner mind. You have the power to put yourself back into balance.