How to Heal Trauma
We offer assessments and training in vital emotional intelligence competencies.
This is an excerpt from the book: Soul Evolution Explained. Trauma can be released. It comes in so many forms, and each one comes with a unique approach to releasing it. However, there are commonalities among the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of healing trauma. Each trauma has all three aspects, and they have to be acknowledged and resolved to be healed completely.
Starting with the physical: The common theme of most traumas is that they begin with shock, which is then stored in the fascia. In general, if the trauma is dealt with shortly after, it can be accessed more quickly through expression, such as writing, talking, crying, or physical therapy with someone safe. It will then take its own time to release. You cannot determine how long it takes, because the body makes those decisions. So, patience and respect for your process are important. Bodywork such as massage and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy are very helpful in releasing the trauma from the musculature and fascia.
Next is the emotional aspect: expression is key to healing. Emotions are energy in motion, and energy in motion is expression. So, to heal from an emotionally traumatic event, you need to express yourself. The key is to be in touch with what you are feeling in the moment and then express it through writing, drawing, talking, crying, movement, etc. Even if you feel numb, expressing that you feel numb will begin to move and change it.
Finally, the mental aspects: Identifying what caused it and where the responsibility lies can empower you in the healing process and remove the stigma. It is very important to have guidance and support through these times from someone who has lived experience, whom you can trust, and who cares about you.
In the journey of human development, trauma serves as a catalyst for self-discovery, highlighting qualities within us that we’ve either neglected or remain unaware of.
Our existence is a continual progression from conceptual self-knowledge to embodied self-awareness, often facilitated by the transformation of pain into insight. Thus, it’s crucial to comprehend the events of our lives with clarity and precision, recognizing the reasons behind them and the accountability of all involved. Precise and truthful feedback is instrumental in this process of growth.
Since 2012, the Earth has risen to a higher vibrational state, inviting us to elevate our own frequencies in harmony. Each of us resonates with a unique vibrational signature, and the key to amplifying our energy primarily lies in healing from past traumas and embracing the lessons we’ve learned.
If you're eager to learn more, check out Soul Evolution Explained: A Handbook for Old Souls. It's available on Amazon and all major online bookstores. You can find links to purchase it and a sample of the book in the comments below!
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