How Have U.S. Stocks Performed During The First 3 Years For The Past 7 Presidents?

How Have U.S. Stocks Performed During The First 3 Years For The Past 7 Presidents?

U.S. presidents don't move stock markets. They don't deserve credit when they rise. They shouldn't be blamed when they fall. But are you curious to know how U.S. stocks performed during the first 3 years for each of the past 7 U.S. presidents? Each won elections in November, so that's when enthusiasm might have been highest. Consequently, I measured the total 3-year growth of U.S. stocks from December 1st, after their election wins, to December 1st, three years later.

1st Place: George H.W. Bush: +62.49%

2nd Place: Barack Obama: +54.97%

3rd Place: Bill Clinton: +52.67%

4th Place: Donald Trump: +52.10%

5th Place: Jimmy Carter: + 38.2%

6th Place: Ronald Reagan: +36.74%

7th Place: George GW Bush: -5.82%


