How To Have A Positive Mental Attitude When The Day Sucks!
Nancy Morris
Business Psychologist || Founder of Six Figure Solopreneurs || Creator of MeQ Self-Intelligence || Helping Experts Do What Matters to Hit Six Figures & Build a Business They Love
PMA. Also known as Positive Mental Attitude.
What a great phrase! And in psychological terms, a very powerful, motivating attitude to have.
And y’know what? Some days Positive Mental Attitude is hard to find cuz the day just sucks!
Maybe today is that day for you! Maybe the idea of having a positive mental attitude is just so far out of your realm of reality that it isn’t even a blip on the radar screen.
You were late for work this morning because the kids were slow. The boss is in a snarky mood and your computer screen keeps freezing. Then, you spilled coffee across that finally finished document.
So much for PMA.
Ah but wait. These not-so-positive events don’t mean the entire day is a write-off.
Let’s find the middle ground. Somewhere between a PMA at one end and a hands-thrown-up-in-the-air-in-complete-defeat at the other.
I call this middle ground PGMA – Pretty Good Mental Attitude.
It's kind of like saying – considering all the rotten things that have happened to me today, the best thing I can muster is a pretty good mental attitude.
Action – Find colorful post-it notes and write on each “P G M A”. Put these on your phone, computer monitor, even the car’s sun visor.
Whenever you feel like you are having one of those days that just won’t get to PMA, shoot for PGMA.
And feel the smile grow on your face as you give yourself permission to feel just ‘pretty good’ today.