How have the memories become so Reduced

How have the memories become so Reduced

How have the memories become so reduced, not only forgetting God, but forgetting just a week ago, yesterday, even what has truly taken place over the past few generations and decades, where evilness and lawlessness has brought about the learning (s) the teaching (s) on how to simply forget and no longer remember.

The colleges have been filled with the anti (s) for decades, their own minds already decayed, where they themselves have become self-mind feed, in and through the very same teaching as those who have formed against God, throughout all generations. Violence = Hermas.

Yet even greater has the people forgotten simply what has taken and been brought forth by so many around the world, to include within these United States.

Forgotten that they wanted to pay you to get a shot of their obedience, the told you, you would die if you didn’t, they told you, you would be the cause of many other’s deaths, they told you this, they told you that.

Many took to the roof tops in prayer, in calling out to God, many united back towards God, yet this too was only shortly lived.

The memory has faded so quickly, yet the very same leaders report and demand only reporting of their directions and ways, of the great reset, the saving of the world, the saving of others, the very saving of their own lives. “Yet so also, do they continue to lose them.”

“Oh foolish and wicked generation of vipers.”

Matthew 12:34-37

King James Version

34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

The Lord declares;

As has the leaders of the laws, always performed, and their actions have always been suggested to be above My Own!

They believe in their own knowledge and their ways are proven still to be towards what they themselves are and are performing!

They desire the praises of the people, over their own relationships with Me!

Because they follow after false gods and self placed rules and rulership of their own leadership!

Believing they are smarter and have been placed above others! Yet they have never learned their placements, they continue to boast up within themselves, greater than ever before!

They have always asked for signs and they have always and continue to question the prophets and the true anointed by Me. Casting their mocking and their evil and rebellious hearts and souls upon My Anointed!

“Yet shall My Shepherd’s Staffs, My Holy Spirit, Within My people, shall rise up and devour, the chaff shall not prevail.”

Signs have I show and wonders have been given, as I have so declared they would be!

Not in nor by the teachings and ways of man nor man’s desires to be right in their own laws and burdens they place upon My people!

I have stopped and made to stop every false god, and every false teaching; calling the observation of every mortal life from focusing upon them to be able to help them in any manner or way!

Yet, the Pharisees and Sadducees, continue in their prideful ways of placing themselves above all others!

For the generation spoken about during My Word Made flesh and sent into the world; now is upon the entire earth;

Yet the Pharisees and Sadducees of this generation, because of their own advancements in learning falsely by their own laws and ways: continue seeking after Me where they will never find me and seeking Me where I would never reveal Myself out of! “Their own ways and desires!”

Today is the fulfillment of the scriptures;

Matthew 16:2-4

“He answered and said to them, “When it is evening you say, “it will be fair weather, for the sky is red; and in the morning, “it will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.”” Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.”

“A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”

Jonah 1:2

“Arise go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.”

“For just as in the days of Noah, shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.”

“Know this, My mercy and My grace remain for a short time upon this generation of wicked people!”

“All who shall hear My voice and repent and turn away from their own accepted evil ways; My Salvation remains open to them “ALL!!”

Woe, to time itself; Time I created for all mankind; as time has already been shortened and I have already told of My coming day of Greatness upon the entire earth!

Yet so also, shall be to so many, My coming, trouble;

Joel 2:31

King James Version

31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.

Nothing has the power to stop what I have put into place in the generation of wickedness as never before!

Hear My voice and hear My Teachers and Preachers, Hear all those who I have anointed and ALL those I am anointing!

As already stated, “you will know them by their fruits and their followings after My ways whom they have made their Lord and God!

Hear My Prophets of this generation, and do not continue to deface them for their performance of My Truth!

Listen to My Own Words as never before, for the next wave I am sending shall be the last consuming wave of all wickedness defeated and all who have rejected My mercy and grace toward all mankind!

Now as never before hear and listen and obey and repent and turn!

Matthew 23-25

Hear and listen and prepare and make ready, for My Glory is already beginning to fill the earth and My Righteousness and Power shall not be stopped nor delayed any longer!

The hour and season of restoring and taking back from the enemy is upon those who truly repent and all who turn away from this wicked generation!

Turning towards Me and releasing My Anointed Glory provided as only in My Word Shall such be located and given to ALL who shall believe without doubting and I shall restore in the lands My Glory for one thousand years!

For the season of “I AM that I AM, along with every Promise and every Woe, every spoken out of My own Mouth is upon the entire earth and all creation!”

The day of the greatest gathering into My Kingdom is at hand and All who know Me shall hear My voice and Shall obey My commandments!

“Rejecting all else, and returning and being restored back into their own remembrance of their personal relationship in Me.”

“They shall rise up, no longer being ashamed of My Glory, My Word is My Glory, My Son, and My Holy Spirit.”

“On Purpose,” Turning away from all else, entering in through and pressing forward into My Kingdom and My Righteousness! As never before nor shall ever again! My Word, My Son, Jesus My Christ, surly, is coming just as sure as, never before, now, nor ever can I be removed from not one creation.”

Fear Not for I am with All who know Me and who hear My voice and obey!



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