How to Have The Life You Want
Potential Awesome Public Speaker

How to Have The Life You Want

"If you want to live a life you've never lived, you have to do things you've never done".

I read this quote in a book I'm reading at the moment and it really resonated with me.

Immediately it took my mind back almost a couple decades or so ago.

I can clearly remember how I wanted to become a public speaker so I could feel more confident when talking to groups of people.

I wanted to have a life where I could talk confidently with little preparation if I ever was called to speak in public.

I wanted to live a lifestyle to be able to deliver talks and training's with ease and confidence.

I talked about it for many years but I never lived that life.

I never did anything different to bring myself closer to that lifestyle.

Until one day... I got so sick of talking about it, I said, "Paul, enough is enough, move your ass and go take some action before you become surgically connected to the couch your sitting on"...

I did the following which I have never done before...

? Joined Toastmasters, a public speakers organisation...

? I started to attend training's on how to present...

? I watched and followed other presenters...

? I started to talk to small groups of people...

I did all these things and more, that I have never done before.

I really sucked at it.

I was so embarrassed because it was so difficult and I just could not do it.

When I reflect back now I have to laugh at some of the bloopers I said and did during this learning stage.

I'm still learning...

Understand this...

I'm now living that life because I faced the fear of doing some things I have never done before.

Listen up...

It was absolutely worth the growth pains like a caterpillar breaking through the cocoon into a magnificent, beautiful butterfly...??

Like the piece of coal under enormous pressure to produce a sparkling diamond...??

Here the deal...

To enjoy the life you've never lived, do the things you've never done and life will never be the same again.




