How to have a good inner mind?

How to have a good inner mind?

One day, a group of pilgrims came to Benares in the course of their pilgrimage. They approached Raidas to have their shoes mended. They asked Raidas how many times he had bathed in the Ganga. He replied that he had not bathed in the river even once. The pilgrims then abused him and said they wished they had not had their shoes mended by one who had so little bhakti. They then offered him a coin for his services. But he refused to take it saying he never took money from pilgrims.

He suggested that they offer the coin to Mother Ganga with the words that this coin was the humble offering of Raidas. The pilgrims left, and having had their bath in the Ganges, they said, rather mockingly: “Oh, Mother Ganga, accept this coin of Raidas.” They then tossed the coin contemptuously into the river. Two hands, which glittered because of the gold bangles on them, came out of the river and accepted Raidas' coin. The hands were those of Mother Ganga. A voice was heard, which said: “I am honoured to accept the offering of the great bhakta Raidas.” The hands then offered a bracelet of gold studded with precious stones to the pilgrims and the voice said this was Mother Ganga's gift to Raidas.

The pilgrims decided that this bracelet was worthy of being gifted to the King of Benares. So they offered it to him, without telling him the details of how they had come by it. The king gave the bracelet to his queen, who liked it so much that she wanted another! The pilgrims could not tell the king the truth. So they fell at Raidas' feet and told him what had happened and also asked him how they could get another bracelet. Raidas replied: “If one's heart is pure, Ganga will take up residence even in this small cup,” and he pointed to the cup beside him, which contained water which he used to wet the leather.

Raidas asked the pilgrims to look inside the cup. One of them put his hand in; inside the cup he found many exquisitely made bracelets! Thus, it is not our wealth that God values. A pure heart is what pleases Him. The first step in the spiritual path is seva, selfless service of humanity. Serving others selflessly prepares the heart and mind to receive the divine light. Meditation or samadhi is not possible without preliminary training in seva. Selfless service is the yoga most suited to the Kali yuga, the present age.

Seva leaves no loopholes for maya or ignorance to enter you. He/She who has no love cannot know God, for God is love. Love is the greatest force in this world. Where love is, there God is. Love is light, light is wisdom and wisdom is divine life. In the beginning, when the heart is constricted due to selfishness, you love only your spouse, children, a few friends and relatives. As you evolve, you begin to love all. You develop universal love.

How do I make a pure inner heart and mind? Find out who you are. The ’I’ is merely a thought. It accumulates. Accumulation brings in all the evil. Understand that you are not the body or mind. When you put the mind in its place then your actions are pure. If this is difficult for you then surrender all your actions and thoughts to your favorite God. Surrender is a complete surrender then your mind becomes pure.

Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Chapter 5, Verse 13:

sarva-karmā?i manasā sannyasyāste sukha? va?hī

nava-dvāre pure dehī naiva kurvan na kārayan

The embodied man of self-control, having given up all actions mentally, continues happily in the town of nine gates, without doing or causing (others) to do anything at all.

Chapter 13, Verse 12:

adhyātma-j?āna-nityatva? tattva-j?ānārtha-dar?hanam

etaj j?ānam iti proktam aj?āna? yad ato ’nyathā

Steadfastness in the knowledge of the Self, contemplation on the Goal of the knowledge of Reality-this is spoken of as Knowledge. Ignorance is that which is other than this.

There is abundance of knowledge and information’s available with us. Only thing required is the pursuance or follow of the knowledge. One should have mind power to follow the knowledge. From where can we get the power? It is easy to talk and discus. Whenever we have to face a dire situation we immediately come to the reverse gear. Why? Where is the knowledge gone? The knowledge is only skin deep and not rooted in our blood.

Therefore along with knowledge, prayer, meditation the thing which is required is our sacrifice. Sacrifice of our favorite things for social service and upliftment of humans. We have to sacrifice our hard earned money, our time of sleep, our leisure time, our interests, and our pleasure and come to the field. The power of sacrifice shall empower the mind and soul. The empowered mind can only become pure; otherwise the power of vices is also an Almighty parallel to Almighty God. Cheers!

Subodh Zare

FSQ & Regulatory Strategist | Process Innovation | NPD & Sensory | People & Culture Transformation Enthusiast | Vendor & Cost Optimization | IFM | Hospitality & Admin | Hotel Operations | FBO Mentor | Ex-Boschler

3 年


Jas Shintré

Head of Engineering - Retail Banking at Security Bank Corporation

3 年

Great piece! I love


