How to have a fulfilling career? Change Your Mindset
Eleni Tavla
Client Relationship Professional, Senior Recruiter, MA, MBA, PhD in Counseling Psychology.
Our mindset influences directly our current reality.
Let’s all agree that the following assumptions are true:
· Our fulfilling life is positively related to our fulfilling career
· Our current reality is related to our past decisions and actions
· Our reality could be different depending on our past feelings, decisions and actions
If we accept that the above assumptions are true, then we recognize that our past decisions influenced our current fulfilling life and career. Based on our intentions, feelings, decisions that we have made in the past, our reality changes. The key factors to accessing a fulfilling life and career are:
1. Intentions
2. Choices
3. Decisions
4. Actions
5. Results
Based on our past intentions, choices came, decisions have been made, actions were taken and results created our current state. If we changed our own mindset on how we make intentions, choices, and decisions, then results would be different and our own situation can be different.
How to change our mindset?
Take time to relax and feel comfortable. Then you dream about how YOU would like your fulfilling life to be. Make a try to imagine your ideal life and yourself into this life you would truly be happy with. Realize that there is “another potential” of your life with fulfilling emotions. This is a potential you can have if you let yourself imagine this new reality.
Train yourself to feel that there is another potential of a most fulfilling life you can have! In this way, you change your intentions, then you alter your choices, make different decisions, take different actions and bring more ideal results for your career and life!
Sources: Linda (parallel universes: Theories and Evidence)