How to have a Breakthrough by changing Your State
Lebron James

How to have a Breakthrough by changing Your State

Do you want to have a breakthrough in your life today? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn’t have clicked on this article. You clicked on this article because you have a burning desire to change your life and I have good news for you— YOU came to the RIGHT place!! Your dreams are meant to be fulfilled not just dreamt and in this article I will give you the secrets, and tools you need to move from a zero to a hero in no time!! If you want to thrive in any area of your life you have to reach a point of breakthrough and this article will show you how.

1. Step One: Strategies

I am very passionate about strategies. What are strategies you ask? Strategies are those shortcuts that help us do more and get more done in the least amount of time. What is it that gets some people to succeed while other people languish in failure and mediocrity? It is the strategies that they employ in specific aspects of their lives that allows them to achieve more in a short amount of time.

A good example is that person who was born from a very poor family, with little or no education, and faced insurmountable emotional and financial challenges only to succeed and leave a highly successful life. Many people would call that luck. I don’t. Luck is what you do for a day or maybe a week —strategies on the other hand, is what you apply consistently for years and years. A strategy can seem so simple and subtle but can make a world of difference and can happen in an instant.

We can see this phenomenon in the lives of hundreds and thousands of people every day in developed countries such as America, where there are thousands of strategies of losing weight of which a vast majority of them have been proven to work, and there are hundreds of fitness clubs on every street and yet 65% of the population is overweight. How can this be? Especially in a world with such an abundance of information from training videos, to audiobooks to health coaches. However, what most people don’t understand is that if they had the right strategy this would not be the case. The problem is not resources it’s resourcefulness. People are not using the strategy that works for them. Why? Because they have told themselves a disempowering story.

2. Step Two: Stories

We all love stories. We all have stories. The stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves will to a large degree determine whether we sink or swim, lose or win. Whether we believe we can or we cannot, as the saying goes, we’re usually right. Our expectations controls our focus. They control our perceptions and how we feel about what we perceive. When a person succeeds it’s because they have the right strategy, and usually they found it because they have a story that it was possible or they could make it happen. Often people don’t lose weight because they have a simple story: it says, “I’m big boned.” With that as your core belief system you are never going to find a strategy, and even if you do, you won’t follow through on it.

So your story may actually be as true and tragic as you think it is but that is not the reason why you can’t achieve what you want in life. For example, you may have survived a bad breakup a few years ago, but that is not the reason why you have not yet found the passionate and loving relationship that you deserve. A disempowering story is one of the key things that controls people and makes them stuck in their beliefs.

Most people tell their story in a selective way so as they don’t ever have to maximize their effort towards a particular strategy with the fear that they will fail. In order for you to get out of this disempowering story you have to be triggered by the burning hunger and desire to achieve it. If someone wants something and the desire is strong enough, they will breakthrough any barrier that is limiting them from achieving their true destiny.

3. Your state

A key element of whether you have an empowering story or a disempowering one is the mental and emotional state that you are in at the moment you conceived it. As human beings we have developed emotional patterns which we commonly refer to as moods. They are the emotional and mental states of mind that govern the way we operate and see our world.

“Take control and manage your emotional state, otherwise you will live life like a cork bobbing up and down on the ocean of circumstance.”

—Michael Flynn

It is these filters called moods that end up influencing these stories that we make up about ourselves and our capabilities. The states that we go into most of the time turn out to be the most potent filter of all due to the power of repetition. They thus have a huge bearing on whether or not we make the right decisions or not, or whether we find an excuse or a way.

The big question then becomes whether or not we can change our states of mind, when we are not performing at our level best or when we feel disempowered. One of the key scientific discoveries that we have managed to discover over the previous decades is that we can change our emotional moods by a radical change in our physiology.

4. Breath and Stress.

For people who are experiencing stressful situations at any given moment, a key strategy that you can employ in getting relative immediate relief is to simply change your physiology. This can be achieved by taking a couple of deep breaths. The vast majority of people actually use only 20% of their lung capacity as they take small short breaths whereas about 70% of the body toxins can actually be released when we take a full breath! In fact, by simply taking the time to fill in your lungs when inhaling and gently releasing when exhaling you can not only improve the quality of your health but you can also decrease the level of anxiety that you are experiencing in the moment. 

In the MFM seminars we have proven time and time again the various ways through which a change in physiology can make a radical change in individuals who are experiencing severe cases of depression and anxiety. Intuitively we also know that this physiology changed can not only be achieved by the way we move, but our breath and body temperature as well.

Transform your STATE Transform your LIFE TODAY!!!

Putting yourself in a peak state on a consistent basis is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give yourself as a human being as it will push the boundaries of what you ever thought was possible. It can radically transform your life story and give you the required strategies you need for your breakthrough. It is not just about telling people what to do or not to do, it is employing the use of their minds and bodies, in an instant, and on cue, to shift the quality of their performance for the better. The amazing thing is that these strategies for peak performance can be applied to an athlete like David Rudisha or a CEO like James Mworia or like a normal working class Kenyan like you and me. Whether or not we’re are going to change our lives for the better comes down to these three fundamentals:

Change your strategy, Change your result.
Change your story, change your life.
Change your stateyou change it all.

In your Linkedin? page you mention 3 personal traits; the following is my response to that Linked in page comment. "“You mention humbly (you probably mean humility), honesty and integrity! Ha, don't make me laugh Michael Flynn! You have shown none of these qualities towards me over the last 16 years; since I loaned you $25,000 and all I ever got was bullshit stories as to when you would honour your debt to me. So much for INTEGRITY!!! And humility....Ha, never once have you had the integrity to apologize and actually say that you will never be able to pay me back! All you've ever done is continue to tell me that you will pay me back but let's face it, when you last told me that you had left 10 messages on my voicemail when you were in Australia and off course I never received one, then you must have been laughing at my trust in you! You've just given me lie after lie after lie! And honesty? You wouldn't know what the word means! Beware everyone, you are dealing with a man that has none of the qualities that he is telling you are such great personal investment”!!!



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