How to have a booming future in your business?
?Dzatu Noelly E. AKUMAH?
Help aspiring entrepreneurs set up an income generating business within 3 months by leveraging the power of social media
Do you wish to remain in your current state? Or do you want to be your FUTURE self, with a thriving business?
Mary wants to start a new business, but she's been stuck in the same place for the past two years. Are you able to relate?
One explanation is as follows:
1- Mary makes decisions based on her current location. That suggests she won't make much changes.
How can she do that? She is who she is right now, with her views. Right?
You'll stay where you are if you make a decision based on your existing circumstances and opinions. How could it be any other way?
2- You must make choices depending on where you want to go and who you want to become.
Mary , for example, earns $1,000 every month from her business. In the next 24 months, she aims to earn $12,000 every month.
The program and consultant she knows will help her get there will set her back $9,000. One time.
"OMG $9,000 is SO MUCH MONEY!" she thinks?
It's perfectly natural. From where she is currently, $1,000 per month is a significant sum of money.
However, she has stated that SHE WANT TO BE DIFFERENT -?$12,000 PER MONTH for a period of 24 months.
Here's the strange twist: If she decides to invest in herself - to change and build her business - ON THE BASIS OF WHERE SHE SAYS SHE WOULD LIKE TO BE - $12,000 PER MONTH ($144,000 PER YEAR), THEN how enormous does the $9,000 one-time payment to assist her in getting there look?
You want to make a change in your company. Whatever, if you use your existing ego, beliefs, and actions, you will not be able to modify it (have you changed in the last two years, or however long?) Because that is what has brought you to this point.?
If you keep doing that, you'll be able to stay that way for a long time.?
So you must visualize your future self, which means you must BET ON YOURSELF being able to change in the same way that other humans have - and make this decision from that future self.
And if you're going for broke, DO the work your mentor teaches you so you may develop into the YOU you need to be in order to attain the financial goals you haven't yet.
PS People have put money into programs and mentors but have done nothing with them. This is something we are all aware of.
?Alternatively, they may not have done the work correctly or sufficiently, or the mentor may not have been adequate. What are the chances??
However, I've spent in a number of trainings and have always asked myself,?
" IF IT WORKS and I learn how to move to the next level, will it be worth it?"
If that's the case, I'll borrow, beg, and steal to obtain that mentor and join their team - because THEY are where I want to be, and they didn't get there by accident.
Does that make sense?
PS How long do you intend to keep yourself and your company as they are now?
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