How to have an AWESOME day (Part 1/2)
Too often we start the week with dread and foreboding as we visualise our loaded in-tray and bulging email inboxes!
And when it’s Friday, we are looking forward to resting, chilling and snoozing all weekend – if only.
Here’s a quick tool to use, to having an A-W-E-S-O-M-E day – whatever time of the week you are reading this.
A – Air
Get enough oxygen into your lungs – outdoors. And breathe in God’s gift for your body – that He blesses you with, on a daily basis.
Fun fact: A person breathes 7 to 8 litres of air per minute
Technique: Lie down. Place a heavy book on your stomach. If you are breathing correctly, the book moves up when you breathe in.
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Gerald is passionate about walking with his Clients – and has excelled at creating a safe space in which senior executives can grow. Contact him if you would like structured support as you journey through life. Professional career & personal development, is just a click away.
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