How has the Pandemic changed Agile Transformation within your organisation?
Ben Moulton
The Product Recruiter - Product & Data Product Management Specialising in AI/ML/Data Product Management
The Project Delivery team at Xpertise Recruitment have started a Thursday market insight series, and this article will discuss the poll posted on Thursday 18th February that asked, ‘How has the Pandemic changed Agile Transformation within your organisation?’
To give a brief overview of why this question came to mind, please see an article posted by Bloomberg LP in February 2020:
I came across the article in our Agile Xpertise meet-up in which it the speakers raised the headline of the article, 'Enterprise Agile Transformation Services Market to $63.83 Bn, Globally, by 2026 at 19.5% CAGR, Says Allied Market Research'. I thought this was a staggering number, and during the meet-up it was discussed further that the figure has probably risen over the last 12 months with many businesses investing in their Agile Transformations.
Based on the results above, I was a little surprised to see that 23% of votes highlighted that they were still mainly Waterfall. Looking at the people who voted and their companies, was also interesting too. There was a Product Manager and a Scrum Master voting this way which surprised me as companies with these types of job titles tend to be more towards the Agile end of the spectrum.
I was less surprised to see that 15% had voted for starting the transformation earlier, and that 31% had voted for speeding up the transformation. Naturally, I expected people to generally vote this way since I was implying that quite a few businesses probably had to go through a transformation due to Covid-19 or get through it more quickly to adapt to pandemic ways of working!
Finally, good to see that 31% of votes leaned towards the completion of the Agile Transformation – perhaps it begs the question, ‘when is an organisation fully Agile?’. Typically, we see the voters being Agile Coaches and Product Managers, and of course voters with strong cloud skillsets.
Overall, I feel it was an interesting market insight. I expected more people to vote into the middle two areas, and I while I was not that surprised that there were some votes for being mainly waterfall still, I was surprised at the types of voters who voted this way.
Keep an eye out this Thursday for Xpertise Recruitment’s next Thursday market insight!