How has anonymous texting increased the freedom of expression in youth?
One of the fundamental human rights is the freedom of expression. It enables us to speak our minds freely without having to worry about anything. It plays an important role in the development of society. This has been illustrated throughout history. Every change that we can see has taken place because someone had the courage to raise their voice. We can hence decide the progress of a society by checking how freely the people are able to express themselves. In the present era, texting is a major way in which people communicate. There are apps like Bluntt, which allow users to text anonymously so that they do not feel judged. This blog will talk about how anonymous texting has increased the freedom of expression in youth.
No Judging
Anonymous texting is where the users do not know who they are talking to. Anonymous texting hence helps us talk to people without being judged. Since our identity is unknown, it does not matter what the other person thinks about us. This makes any argument obsolete. Anyone can now freely express his or her thoughts without being judged. We commonly find that people get trolled on the internet just for expressing themselves. This discourages others from doing the same. This is a way in which anonymous messaging can help.
Encourages Patient Listening
Freedom of expression is also about listening to the other people patiently and allowing them to express themselves. Since there is no judging during the anonymous conversations, it encourages people to listen patiently to the other person and then reply. Nobody is going to be judgemental during these conversations. Hence, it is generally observed that people listen carefully and try to add value to the conversation.
Experts can give their Opinions Freely
There are many people who are experts in particular fields. They are many times suppressed whenever they try to raise their voice over an issue. It could be because their opinions are against the interests of another party or simply because it defames a person of interest. Anonymous texting gives such people a space where they can give their opinions freely without being suppressed or stamped over. The privacy that is enjoyed during anonymous texting helps such people a lot.
Anonymous Discussions over Important Topics
There are a lot of debates that are held over important topics. It is often seen that anything sensitive that is said during these discussions is followed by a lot of hate and drama. The people in the spotlight become memes the very next minute. Anonymous discussions over text helps them protect their identity and privacy. It empowers them to be as truthful as possible.
Education about Sensitive Topics
There are many who want to be educated about topics that are sensitive and important for the society. It is, however, difficult to find people who would be willing to educate such curious minds. Firstly, they would not like to be judged while they impart their knowledge. Even the people who want to learn do not like to be judged about this. Secondly, they might feel awkward discussing such topics in the open. Anonymous texting helps here also. People can easily be educated about sensitive topics through anonymous texting. There is no judging as everybody’s identity remains unknown. This allows the educators to have fully open conversations with the people who would want to learn from them.
Freedom of expression is one of the important factors that decide the progress of a society. There is no judging during anonymous texting. It helps people talk to each other openly without being judged. It also encourages people to be good listeners. Experts can give their opinions freely without having to worry about politics or any other conversation. Anonymous discussions over important topics can be carried out by texting anonymously. Many people are doubtful about expressing themselves during public discussions. Such people can benefit a lot by making use of anonymous texting. Their identity is protected and so is their privacy. It helps them voice their concerns without having to worry about consequences.
Education about sensitive topics can be achieved easily as there is no fear of judgement by other people. We can easily approach anyone and be a part of such sessions. Our identity will remain unknown, and we do not have to worry about people judging us. The educators at the same time can have open conversations with the learners. Overall, anonymous texting has a lot of benefits. Many of these benefits allow an increase in the freedom of expression. This can be seen especially in the youth as they are the ones who use texting a lot. There are apps that help increase the freedom of expression in youth using anonymous texting. One such app is the Bluntt App.
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