How To Harness The Power of Intention
Soul Ongoiba
SPIRIT PERFORMANCE COACH-Equipping leaders and athletes at performance crossroads to amplify their unique performance edge and create the meaningful impact they desire.
Today's topic is "how to harness the power of intention" specifically "how high performers use intention to achieve success and reach their goal faster, because in today's ever evolving world, it can be difficult, to be honest to stay focused and on track with your goals.
So, having an intentional focus can help you be more productive and allows you to create more meaningful opportunities and experiences; in fact, high performers, are exceptional, at understanding their own intentions and setting goals that are aligned with that understanding!
So, the practice of aligning the intention goals allows them to define what matters the most to them. Yes, because the practice for aligning intentions and goals allows people, the high performers to align and to define what matters the most to them!
As a high performers, being intentional helps them stay focused, and motivated to make sure that the goals are met.
That's the power of intention. Because intention helps keep high performers on track and it can influence the decision-making process because setting goals, setting intentions can help break down a large goal right into smaller achievable steps that can be tackled on a daily basis. You probably heard about "OKR. " Objective & Key Results
OKR is just a perfect example of that. It’s about using that spiritual principle of having an intention.
High performers are able to capitalize on creating small wins for themselves on a regular basis in order to maintain momentum! So, another benefit of having an intention is that it can bring clarity to your goals!
Knowing what you want to achieve, makes it easier for you to take action toward that goal! So, it helps eliminate distraction. Nowadays, how many distractions are out there?
So, having intention allows you to focus on what is important and what will move the needle in terms of progress.
Having an intentional focus can lead to more meaningful experiences and high performers understand that. They understand that achieving personal satisfaction is sometimes more important than achieving just success in the form of accolades or prestige. So, because when your intentions are clear, it is much easier to find joy and satisfaction in what you do each day around you!
So, harnessing the power of intention is a skill that has proven to be beneficial for high performers! So, knowing your intentions and setting achievable goals can help you stay on track and achieve the success that you seek even faster.
It's easy, if you think about it nowadays to just move from one task to the next task without a sense of direction, just do, do, do, do!
But high performers codify their actions and set intentions for what they want to accomplish each day.
So, I'm inviting you to harness the power of your intentions because it allows you to cut through the noise and stay on track because high performers are successful because they arrive at the times for purpose!
Everything in life, in nature everywhere has a purpose, so, that's being intentional, help you remain motivated, help you remain organized so that nothing can be lost in the shuffle. So, being intentional also allows high performers to take a step back, taking that step back at a high level.
Intention helps you reflect on how each of your actions are helping to reach your goals. So, because intentions are all about focusing, the right energy in the right direction! And taking advantage of every opportunity, to reap that reward. Because high performers at the end of the day, they understand that their performance, their productivity is directly tied to intention.
So, by harnessing the power of intention, high performers have the potential to reach their goals faster and more efficiently and more meaningfully. So, this was really the reminder in today's performance edge weekly wisdom, I wanted to share with you!
More details in the video on my post.
Till Next time, Live Your Truth!
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