How to Harness the Healing Power of Our Sacral Chakra through Menopause
Jeanette Forder
Award Wininng Coach / Womens Wellness Coach of the Year 2024/25 / Columnist Expert Profile Magazine / Transformation Coach / Workplace Trainer / Mindfulness Practitioner / Mental Health First Aider / Podcaster
Understanding our Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is the second of the seven primary chakras in our body. Located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel, it is associated with the element of water, symbolising flow, adaptability, and emotion. The sacral chakra governs creativity, sexuality, pleasure, and emotional well-being. It’s the energy centre allowing us to experience joy, connect with others on an intimate level, and express ourselves artistically.
When the sacral chakra is balanced, we feel passionate, inspired, and emotionally stable. Our relationships flourish, and we enjoy the pleasures of life without guilt or shame. However, when this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we can feel emotional turmoil, creative blocks, and experience sexual or intimacy issues.
The Region and Organs governed by our Sacral Chakra
Physically, the sacral chakra governs our reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and gut. It is intimately connected to our menstrual cycle, fertility, and sexual health as well as influencing our body's fluid regulation, including blood circulation, lymphatic flow, and the distribution of our hormones. I am sure you can see already how menopause can create imbalances in our sacral chakra, making us feel out of sorts?
When our sacral chakra becomes imbalanced, we may experience physical ailments such as menstrual problems, urinary tract infections, lower back pain, and issues with the kidneys and bladder. Emotionally, we may feel fear, guilt, shame, and a lack of creativity or motivation.
Sacral Chakra Blockages
Blockages in our sacral chakra can occur for a myriad of reasons - emotional trauma, negative relationships, stress, etc. A blocked sacral chakra can disrupt the flow of energy in our body, leading to a range of emotional and physical issues.
The Impact of Menopause on our Sacral Chakra
Menopause is a significant life transition marking the end of our fertility, characterised by a decline in hormone levels, particularly oestrogen and progesterone, which can have a profound impact on our body and mind. The sacral chakra, being closely linked to our reproductive organs and our hormonal system, is particularly vulnerable during this time.
As we enter menopause, our sacral chakra may become imbalanced due to the hormonal fluctuations that occur. This can manifest in several ways:
Healing our Sacral Chakra During Menopause
Maintaining a balanced sacral chakra as we go through menopause is essential for our emotional stability, creativity, and our overall well-being. Fortunately, there are several practices we can follow to restore and enhance the energy flow in this chakra.
Embracing the Transformative Journey of our Menopause
Menopause is a time of profound transformation, both physically and emotionally for us all. It is a time to take stock, look after ourselves and embrace the opportunities it holds for us. As we navigate this journey, it’s important to nurture our sacral chakra and support its energy flow. By doing so, we can embrace the changes with grace.
More Help
If you are interested to learn more about the sacral chakra and how to tap into its healing power to improve your menopause journey, and beyond, then you are in luck! On Tuesday 24th September, 19.30-21.00 on Zoom we are holding the fourth webinar in our Seasons of Wisdom series, where we will be delving into the power of the sacral chakra. We’ll teach you all about this most feminine of chakras, how to look after it and most of all how to take advantage of its healing power. We’ll take you on a journey teaching you how to recognise when this chakra is imbalanced and give you practical tips on how to use meditation, yoga, essential oils and crystals to support your sacral chakra.? At the same time, we will be calling on the divine natural energies through the Autumnal Equinox which falls on the same day. This will be a powerful session that you won’t want to miss. To book your place go to