How Hard is it to Get into the NFL?
Brian Wallace
Founder, NowSourcing - Infographic Expert | Google Board Member | International Keynote Speaker | Featured: NYT, Forbes, Mashable | Innovate Summit Creator | Advisory: #SXSW, Lexmark
Have you ever thought about quitting your day job and trying out for the NFL? Those players make so much money tossing around a football, and it looks so easy, right? Well, it takes a lot of skill and determination to make it to the NFL. You’re more likely to become a member of MENSA or to be born with extra fingers and toes than you are to make it to the NFL.
The odds of being a former NCAA football player and playing in the Superbowl are 1000:1. A woman is 3.5 times more likely to give birth to identical twins, and how many twins do you see walking around? Think of how hard it is to play football in college and then consider how many of THOSE players ever even get to try out for the NFL. It’s a lot harder than you might think! Learn more from this infographic!