How Hard Can You Get Punched In The Face?

How Hard Can You Get Punched In The Face?

Just in case you’re wondering whether this is going to happen or not, we’re here to tell you that it will. Life will deal each and every one of us a hefty (metaphorical) blow to the face, heart, or at least any one of your vital organs. Sometimes literally, too.

It’s not a question of if, but rather when. If you look back on your life, and all its trials and tribulations, regardless of your age, you’ll soon realize that you were able to withstand quite a few trials of your own.

It doesn’t make much sense to us – at all – but apparently, this pain that we experience from the loss of a loved one, the shattering of a friendship, the end of a marriage, or the end of anything at all – can be so gut-wrenching and heartbreaking that we seldom think we’ll recover.

It’s the kind of pain that you have to experience to understand. One that cannot be described by mere words – no matter how eloquent. This experience, where your every resolve is tested, seems to be such a central show on the theater of life. You cannot experience life in its fullest until you’ve taken in the complete spectrum of pleasure and pain. That is just how it works. That's the deal we've all secretly signed up for at birth.

All the greats who’ve ever lived – and our modern-day ones, too – have had to withstand some sort of pain. What separates them from the rest of the world is that they chose to rise. They were hell-bent on moving on, keeping their head up, and making a difference. They refused to give in and give up. That’s not how they work. These people are built differently – with an entirely different set of buttons. The more you push their buttons, the better they work.

But What About Us Mere Mortals?

If you’re anything like me, you could be going through a serious crisis, but nobody would know about it. You could be the type that has trained itself to keep a straight face through it all. Forcing yourself to cry doesn’t help much, either.

The interesting thing about experiencing any sort of pain is that you discover this inner elasticity within your soul (for lack of a better term). In other words, you dig deep inside at times of adversity and uncover this inner reservoir of strength you did not know you possessed. One that keeps you going, gets you thinking, helps you troubleshoot and problem-solve. One that leaves others in awe.

You have to uncover that inner strength. Dig deep and we promise you’ll find it.

How To Stay Sane Through It All

You might be thinking – and we’ll have to agree with you – that this is all just theory. Easier said than done. That nobody can possibly fathom what you’re currently going through. That you’re in so much pain that words can’t describe.

We’re also here to say that we hear you and we feel you. That we completely understand. And here are our personal tips on how to overcome it all and hopefully come out unscathed.

1.   Understand That You’re Not Alone. The first thing we’re inclined to do during hard times is to withdraw. We tend to think that spending time alone will somehow make it all better. Wrong. During tough times, it is critical that you surround yourself with loving, supportive people that can and will cheer you up. The only caveat here is that we encourage you to do that when you’re ready.

2.   We’ve All Been There. Most of us tend to panic when something goes wrong. Our hearts beat faster, our bodies amp up on adrenaline and our fight or flight starts to kick in. We forget that life is not designed to be easy. That challenges and problems will never really go away. We can’t simply dismiss them or expect to live a life free of them; because quite simply, that would not be life. We need to appreciate our problems for what they are, see them in perspective, and give thanks to them for making us the people that we are today.

3.   This Too Shall Pass. A few years ago, I was going through a really tough time back in the US. It felt like my current challenge was never going to come to an end. This was the kind of challenge that would keep you up all night. A good friend of mine back then told me, “Don’t worry, Maya. This too shall pass.” Compelling words that really resonated with me. Little did I know, but a few short weeks after my problem was resolved in a way I never thought possible. The bottom line is, nothing is permanent. Change is the only constant in this life. So embrace it all – the good, the bad and the ugly.

One of the greatest lessons that we learn as we become adults is that life is not easy. The journey that we are all on is different, customized for each and every one of us. It’s here to tell us something and teach us something new every time. We just have to be receptive to fully understand the lessons in question. We need to keep our eyes peeled and our ears perked for more. And one day, we’ll wake up and it will all make sense. 


