How to be Happy
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If you are anything like most people that have a burning desire and vision to achieve something, you could be falling into the trap of being so focused on it that you neglect to enjoy each and every moment on your journey to attaining your goals.
The Dilemma:
Have you ever had the impatient feeling that you are not getting to where you want to get quickly enough and therefore find yourself not fully appreciating the here and now? It’s as though something is holding back your happiness until you get what you desire. The only problem in this scenario is that, in the mean time, you are unhappy and life is passing you by.
Good News, Bad News:
The bad news is that that huge house you desire, the car, and all those wonderful things you are planning to get once you are successful will never make you happy. The good news is that, as Abraham Lincoln stated, “People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” therefore you have the power to decide to be happy no matter where you are in your life.
It’s all in your head:
Always remember that there will always be things that go wrong at times and things that upset you or try to frustrate you. But the secret is to decide that no matter what goes wrong and no matter how rough things get, you will not let it get you down. There is one thing that is always in your control. That is you. You decide how you react to any situation.
Wealth and success won’t do it:
No amount of material wealth and success can help an individual that has unhappiness-producing habits to be happy. The result is always frustration and disappointment as the realization sinks into such an individual, after years of seeking happiness through material gain, that it cannot be achieved that way.
Develop a happiness habit:
The process of being happy is simply to replace the unhappiness-producing habits with happiness-producing habits. Changing your thinking and attitude is always the first step. You must drive off the thoughts that lead to discouragement, fear, depression, worry and hate and replace with positive thoughts.