"How To be Happy In Spite Of Yourself"

Introduction: People search for happiness in various ways and in various means. Modern day “religion” has brought forth many books, articles and studies on how to find happiness.
Religious people yearn for peace and satisfaction as well as social acceptance from their peers.
When their “religion” doesn’t supply those answers and they don’t get what they are looking for, they get discouraged. “Self-help” books do not offer real hope. The Bible, God’s Word, gives real hope: Colossians 2:8, Psalms 1
I. God’s Preconditions For Happiness
   A. Don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly – Vs 1
   B. Ungodly people are an unstable people – Vs 4
       1. chaff is worthless
       2. they are carried by the wind – blown away
       3. they are restless and unquiet; they don’t have a firm
       4. Isaiah 57:20-21
   C. The ungodly shall not stand in judgment – Vs 5
       1. Stand = be acquitted
       2. When they come to be judged, they shall be
       3. They will have no one or nothing to plead in their
            behalf: Hebrews 7:26
   D. The ungodly shall perish: Vs 6
        1. they will die and also suffer the second death:
            Revelation 21:8
        2. they may “think” their punishment is in this life: but
            not so
   E. Make sure your foundation for happiness is based on the
       only One who can provide it
       1. Ephesians 2:20; I Corinthians 3:11;
       2. the wisdom of the world system is a great powerful
           a. it brings error
           b. it brings unhappiness
               II John 1:7; I John 5:19; I John 2:17; I Corinthians 1:20;
               I Corinthians 3:19
   F. Hope for happiness
      1. I Corinthians 2:16: a new mind
      2. A new heart: Hebrews 8:10 & 10”16
      3. A new person: II Corinthians 5:17
      4. It now becomes possible to be happy as a Christian
II. Don’t Sit In The Seat Of The Scornful: Psalms :1:1
    A. A scorner doesn’t listen to rebuke: Proverbs 13:1
        a. Scornful = a mocker
        b. scorners are folks who will not listen to instruction
    B. A scorner seeks wisdom and doesn’t find it:
        Proverbs 14:6
    C. A scorner doesn’t love the one who corrects him:
         Proverbs 15:12
     D. Cast out a scorner: Proverbs 22:10
     E. Scorners are an abomination; Proverbs 24:9:
          abomination = disgusting
          a. scorners disgusts just about everyone
          b. scorners scoff and mock: they try to make us listen
              to words that are not true.
          c. scorners make fun of Godly people and are usually
              negative people.
          d. scorners usually are against about everything and talk
              down the positive
     F. Seat of scornful
         1. seat = to dwell; to stay awhile
         2. to associate with
     G. The happy Christian avoids the seat of the scornful
          1. the happy Christian is involved in learning:
              Psalms 1:2
          2. Psalms 119:165: God’s Word brings peace

Conclusion: Ungodly council doesn’t come close to the Scriptures. It is focused on common wisdom. God’s Word promises Christians happiness of stability; productivity and success; something this world cannot give.


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