How to be Happier - Week 40 of 2022
Hi there,
We're midway through Week 40 of 2022 and it's flying by like a greyhound just out of the gate at the race track.
Your weekly roundup with things to give you an edge to win in your business and your life:
Let's go!
Community Announcements
Welcome the 79 new subscribers to this newsletter who joined since last week. We're grateful to have you here! We're 14,240 strong! Jump on board our newsletter here. It's Free.
I'm holding a webinar on how to build your elevator pitch for your company, product or service next Tuesday afternoon. A separate email will go with the link to claim your spot.
Thank you Help Scout for sponsoring this newsletter. Highly recommend using for your customer support chat! You'll see their ad below.
Worth Listening on EDGE
?? Video Online Advertising with Stoic Yeti Founders Chris Knudsen and Dan Bischoff | Ep. 401 Learn how to build and run a successful online video campaigns. Chris and Dan were wildly successful with Purple Mattress, as in doing $60 million in revenue in 9 months! They discuss how they've been able to replicate the results with other brands. You'll leave with a ton of tips you can use to put video ads to work for your business.
? 401k Part 19 - What is a Forfeiture Account in a 401k Plan? | Ep. 402 Learn what a forfeiture account in a 401k plan is, why it's important and what to do with one.
? Benefits of Drinking Teas with Nishchal Banskota Founder of Nepal Tea Collective | Ep.. 403 Learn the real benefits of drinking teas, the difference in grades of tea and why it's important, and the business of tea.
? Estimating Market Size for your Business Plan...Correctly | Ep. 404 Jason and Brandon talk about using gold as a currency, why it may be better than any other method of payment, and why Jason started Glint.
? How to Be Happier with Yourself | Ep. 405 Kung Fu Friday: A science proven way how to be happier.
On Business Podcast
? Real Estate with Award Winning Realtor Jacqueline Clement | Ep.7 We talk selling real estate with award winning realtor Jacqueline Clement.
Worth Sharing
How Do You Compare to Your Peers?
The Inc 5000 for 2022 was recently released. Every year they survey Founders and CEO's and ask them a host of questions ranging from what they say their biggest challenges are to what scares them the most.
Below are some highlights from the survey this year. I bolded some that jumped out as most interesting. See how you compare and if you agree.
New, Hot, and Undiscovered
Movie with great lessons: Untold Story of the Rise and Fall of And1
Born out of the playgrounds of New York City, the AND1 Mixtape Tour took streetball to the masses, challenging convention and picking up a team of basketball misfits along the way.
The Rise and Fall of AND1 traces the journey of how three young friends with a dream of bringing greater acclaim to the game they loved, connected with the underground artform of streetball, and ended up flipping the billion-dollar basketball industry on its head...until they got flipped on their own heads.
Available on Netflix, Trailer on YouTube for free
An App That Speeds up Your Computer & Helps Reduce Anxiety
One Tab: Keep a lot of tabs open in your browser because you don't want to lose something or want to remember something on a site? Save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter with One Tab. Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon in Chrome to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once. My computer is running quieter because the computer is not using so much memory, and I've noticed being much calmer when working in the browser because I don't have a ton of tabs open at once. Clearly having them all open was having a negative subconscious effect.
I have no interest or anything in the app. I stumbled on it reading an article somewhere. Gave it a try, it's made a world of difference for me.
One Tab has over 13,339 reviews with a 4.5 out of 5 rating in the Chrome App store. Recommended. BTW, if you have another suggestion of something like this that's helped you, please hit reply to this email and let me know. I'll include it in a future newsletter to help everyone out.
What I'm Writing About
You Never Know Who You'll Meet Over the years I've found it hard to put my bike in the back of the car and drive X hours only to ride and have to drive home. It's not that I don't want to ride in new places, or meet new people, it's that I'm nutty about my ROT, return on time. All I think about is that I could have ridden the X hours that I drove to the spot to ride. My "go to" riding partner here in Half Moon Bay, CA, Sean, caught me in a low energy moment and convinced me to do a group ride that R&A Cycles in Walnut Creek was putting on last Saturday morning.
He claimed he wanted to ride somewhere different, but I'm smart enough to know his main motive was to get me to buy a new bike.
I believe it literally pains him watching me ride a bike with old technology. Or... is it that he wants to have a partner in crime to feel better about him spending $15,000 on a new bike and me joining the club? Ummm... it's probably a combination of both :-) Anyway... We show up at 8:30am for what we thought was a 9am start.
We walk into the shop and the guys says we're late, but he will help us with the route and get us some food to fuel up. Sean and I look at one another, then back to him, and tell him the email we got said 9am.
Try telling two Type A people they're wrong and late when they know it's not true. That poor guy... Thinking some others probably got the same email, we decided to wait until 9am to roll out. I'm walking out of the shop to get my helmet when I do a double take as a lady is walking into the shop with her bike all ready to go for a 9am start. I know this lady from somewhere...
Oh right, she's one of best women cyclists in the world. I just saw her on TV commentating the Tour De Femmes a few weeks ago.
Meet Alison Tetrick! In Brandon fashion I, in one single motion, pull out my phone, turn to her and say, "Smile" and snap this photo.
Alison has too many awards to list out here, but to mention a few things, she's a 3x Gravel Worlds Champion, known as “Queen of Gravel”, never lost Levi's Grand Fondo women's division, drops men and women like hot potatoes on rides and is on the Board of Directors of USA Cycling. For non-cyclists, gravel races range from 80 miles on the low end to 200 miles. They're grueling!
Fast forward a minute... I'm spinning up Mt. Diablo with Alison and her husband, Blaize.
We got to talking about our backgrounds and find our way to the topic how she and her husband could turn their personal following on social media, and in other media outlets, into a business that throws off some cash.
A business where they own their audience vs. "access" it on someone else's platform.
I might not be able to throw down all the watts that Alison can, but I do know a way they can make sure people get their "posts" about their cool products and not rely on organic reach that is becoming less organic every day. And I'm not talking about doing paid ads. I think that's a though proposition these days with the iOS update. But, you can still win with paid ads with the correct strategies. A subject for another time...back to spinning up the mountain. We talked about how it's harder to reach the very people that follow you on any social platform these days.
As an example, I follow Alison on Instagram. I post biking pictures all the time, my hash tags are biking related, and I haven't seen one of her posts in over a year.
If you don't have a reliable way that you are in control to stay in contact with your "followers, customers, potential customers, or fans" you and your business are in some real serious trouble. Eventually any platform's popularity fades and you'll be faced with trying to get your old audience to follow you on the new platform. Try that and see how it works out. Been there, done that.
What I'm writing about is the business and marketing plan on exactly how to own your audience and make sure they come with you where ever you are.
The whole plan from the beginning to end. The strategy that direct markers have been using forever. The one that's survived the test of time.
As I've been working on this, I'm writing less and drawing more to diagram each step. How each step works, the strategy, and how to set it up. Even the software to use for each step.
Alison and Blaize will not be the only people to get this plan because we're going to include it in an upcoming edition of the EDGE print newsletter so subscribers can get in on the action too. Quick book writing update: I started on the evening on June 16, 2022. I've been in editing mode and trying to make it shorter. I made a little progress this week as you'll see below. Here's my total words by week from the book I'm writing: Week 1: 8,000 (+8,000) Week 2: 30,641 (+22,641) Week 3: 33,368 (+2,727) Week 4: 33,123 (-245) Week 5: 33,798 (+675) Week 6: 32,948 (-850) Week 7: 33,496 (+548) Week 8: 31,572 (-1,924) Week 9: 31,594 (+22) Week 10: 31,594 (0) Week 11: 31,642 (+48) Week 12: 31,642(0) Week 13: 31,642(0) Week 14: 31, 241 (-401) Week 15: 31,143 (-240)
This Week at EDGE
Last Word
Thanks for reading, have a great rest of your week, it's yours!