How to Handle Temptation
How to Handle Temptation
When Satan tempted Him in the wilderness, the Lord didn’t utter anything without first saying, “It is written.” (See Matt. 4:1-25.) Jesus knew Satan could not stand under the power of God’s Word.
Ephesians 6 describes the believer’s spiritual armor—God’s provision for His children when they face pressure from the enemy. Most of the armor is defensive equipment; the sole offensive weapon is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Bible, and it’s our best shot in spiritual battles.
However, you can’t remember to do something you don’t know, so it’s important to spend time with the heavenly Father every day, studying Scripture and committing its truths to heart.
Start “putting on” the armor of God every day. Try praying through Ephesians 6:10-17 in the morning. And if you struggle with a particular sin, steer clear of situations that make such a temptation more likely. You may even find it helpful to have an accountability partner—someone who can be honest and with whom you will be comfortable. Steps like these help us resist Satan, who we know from Scripture will flee in the presence of God’s Word.