How to handle a Skype Interview!
Darren Aggasild
Recruiter | Head Hunter | Interim Recruiter | LinkedIn Profile Writer | Networker
I wrote this back in December 2016, however I feel it is more prevalent today with the current situation faced in the UK and overseas job markets. Many employers and recruiters will be using such platforms as Skype, Teams and Zoom for many months to come for interviews and registrations until we manage to lower the outbreak of the Coronavirus(COVID-19). I hope the tips below are of help and remember an interviewer normally makes a decision within the first 5 seconds of meeting someone. This also applies remember to smile and make a lasting impression!!
You’ve spent the last week and a half obsessively refreshing your inbox, and the email has fine come through – you’ve got an interview, hoorah! Weird though, the company want to do the interview over Skype. Skype(Zoom, Teams now) interviews are getting more common, so no matter how strange you think it might be, it’s time to get used to getting dressed up smart and then talking to a computer screen every now and again. It’s not as scary as you might think; prep for your interview as normal, and then adapt to Skype. Take a look at our top 7 tips to help you nail that Skype interview:
1. A boring username is a good username
We don’t want anything you made in middle school, anything that contains the word ‘babe’ or ‘cheeky’, or any name where you’ve been overenthusiastic with the letter ‘x’ – we’re looking at you xXCheekyBabe94Xx. Keep it super predictable and super boring, your name and nothing else.
2. Choose your location carefully
Pick a place where you feel comfortable, where your computer screen is at the correct height for you to look into the webcam, and where you can sit without slouching. Most importantly, select a place with a fast and reliable internet connection, this will help to avoid time lags between video and audio.
3. Check what’s behind you
It’s all well and good having a super-speed broadband connection, but do make sure your background looks ok too. That means moving piles of laundry, mountains of paper and dirty dishes out of the way, and perhaps adding in a few educational textbooks for good measure.
4. Practice makes perfect
If you’ve never done a Skype interview before, it’s definitely worth practising a few times before – whether that’s recording yourself and watching it back, or Skyping with a friend and asking for feedback on your performance. You’ll feel much more comfortable when the real thing happens, meaning you’ll perform better too.
5. Keep your notes out of sight
One major advantage of a Skype interview versus a face to face one is that you can have your notes out in front of you. Keep your CV, some details about the company, and the job description to hand just in case you freeze up – but make sure your interviewer can’t see them!
6. Reduce background noise with a microphone
Background noise can kill an interview. Imagine your Mum shouting “hey Joe, your dinner’s ready!” when you are mid-way through explaining how independent you are. Avoid this by wearing a headset or headphones with a microphone.
7. Avoid interruptions
Similar to the point above, you don’t want your flatmate wandering in to discuss how bad his hangover is whilst you’re talking to a potential employer – stick a notice on your door, and text them too. Whilst you’re at it, turn your phone to ‘do not disturb’ mode and close all other applications on your computer too.
The bottom line is this: treat a Skype interview as you would any face to face interview. Be confident and friendly, make eye contact and smile every now and again – there’s no need to be nervous just because you’re attending via video-link.
If you need anymore help with Interview preparation then please get in touch with the me at [email protected] or give me a call on 01224 644449.