How to Handle Rejection Like a Boss
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Rejection is never fun. But whether you like it or not, the fact remains that you will face rejection, especially as an event planner. After all, you’re in the business of dealing with people. You have to speak with potential clients, suppliers, public speakers and performers.
Things will definitely not always go your way and there are countless instances when you’ll just feel down because of all the cancelled contracts and failed negotiations. But hey, let’s not focus on the negatives here!
The Upside of Rejection
In fact, getting used to rejection is a good thing. Sure it hurts a bit but like a paper cut, it will heal eventually. (Okay I lied, paper cuts hurt like hell) But it’s a learning experience nonetheless, and you can turn these stumbling blocks into stepping stones by developing a positive mental attitude. If you take it all as a challenge and not a defeat, you’ll be surprised by what you can accomplish if you press on.
Some Successful Rejects
You can actually take inspiration from these famous individuals who’ve had their own share of failures during their career.
Bill Gates, for instance, wasn’t always known as the richest man in the world. Investors weren’t too enthusiastic about Traf-O-Data, his first company, and so he wasn’t able to raise the needed funds. He eventually formed another company with a partner and named it Microsoft.
Soichiro Honda applied as an engineer on Toyota but was turned him down. While jobless, he began making and selling scooters and launched Honda, his very own business.
Walt Disney was fired by an editor who thought the cartoonist, ironically, lacked imagination.
Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey, likewise, was fired as an evening news reporter by her producer who said she was “unfit for TV.”
How to Handle Rejection
So now goes the million-dollar question: how do you actually handle rejection?
Here are several tips you should keep in mind:
1) Never take it personally
To start, know that self-blame is useless. It’s natural to feel bad but never let it bring you down. To frame it another way, people are simply rejecting your ideas and proposals, not you. Take comfort that you’re still awesome, it’s just that your idea at the time was not.
See more about How to Handle Rejection Like a Boss in full article