How To Handle Price?
I have to cover this one because I heard way too much non-sense over this one over the decade or so that it is absolutely ridiculous.
I am not sure where these issues come from but I have heard sales managers tell their reps over and over on how to handle price in ways that absolutely stuns me. It ranges from avoidance to holding it back to lying about it to literally NOT telling the price to the customer. This is absolutely mind-boggling.
We have to set the record straight.
When talking about price - simply say the price. It is that simple.
If someone wants to hear the price right away then tell them the price, don't avoid it, invite them to a discovery call, tell them the truth as the price should always be present and priced correctly. There is no need for a dog and pony show about the question of price. All it does is muddy the waters in the eyes of the prospective customer not to mention makes them feel like something is wrong which is a quick way to lose trust.
In all companies, the price structure should be clear and simple, it is either based on a fixed price or a variable price based on consumption of units be it resources, usage, instances, etc.
If price is complicated then fine, advise the customer you will have to calculate it out and gather the proper parameters for pricing then make a set time/date by which you will return with the price and deliver on that time/day otherwise again you lose trust.
However, in most cases pricing is simple and straightforward, at least when it comes to presenting the price in sales cycle. There is no need to hold back, there is no need to talk around it, there is no need have the prospective on the phone to give it to them, etc.
I have seen countless tactics ranging from the ridiculous to the absolutely insane hundreds of times and in no situation did being elusive with the price do anything but negatively impact the sales cycle.
So please, let's save the prospective customers some frustration and make the Sales Profession as Professional as it can be - there is nothing to be gained in being elusive with price.