How To Handle Overtalkers At The Office
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How To Handle Overtalkers At The Office

There are people and lots of them that just love to talk. It’s not so much out of any sort of arrogance or anything of that nature, it’s just their nature.

Ultimately what we are all looking for is some sort of connection with other people. There is however a downside to this type of engagement that happens with talkers. You have to be aware of it in your business because this could be a major source of inefficiencies.

This could be a major source of why you are not getting things done, even a major source of discontent or strife that’s happening within your teams, especially when the talkers and the observers are mixed with each other.

When you put a talker versus an observer right next to each other, that tends to not go that well, especially if they don’t have a previously existing relationship and a history together.

You may even be more of that talker type. I understand that often as the leader, supervisor or department head, it can get lonely because you have different responsibilities from the majority of your workforce.

There are other resources that discuss this concept at length if you want to get more into it.

Then there’s also that time-wasting aspect of people that are what I will call overtalkers. Not that they are talking over somebody, but they are excessively talking. It’s of course all situation dependent.

These types of excessive talkers can certainly easily, without even being aware of it, start wasting time. Efficiency is something that business owners should be striving for.

I’m not talking about that cold, clinical type of efficiency where you are not allowed to talk to each other. I am leaning toward the fact that there has to be a certain amount of productivity expected for any sort of position.

It can also depend on the sort of culture you have at the office. I know for a fact that southern culture is more easy-going in this sense. However, you still need to be aware of these overtalkers that really take it beyond the initial connection.

When you tell these people that they may be overtalkers, it doesn’t have to be punitive by any sense of the word. It’s really just setting those expectations and those standards.

In my opinion, that’s the best way to handle that type of person, because the longer you let it go, the worse it gets. Then other people are going to start doing it. Then before you know it, you are the one that’s complaining that you can’t find any good people to work for you.

This certainly takes a level of self-awareness and you don’t have to drop it to them all at once. It can be a progression of hints and talks, and if they pick up the hints, perfect. If they don’t, then it’s your responsibility to take care of that in a manner that is relatable to them.

Not necessarily just from your viewpoint, but from theirs as well.?It’s not about what I think I’m telling you, it’s about what you think you heard.

I say one thing and because of distractions that are happening or just the culture upbringing filters that you have got, you interpret my words in a way that is not at all what I’m meaning to say. It also doesn’t necessarily have to be in a negative sense.

It could be in a completely different sense that makes more connection to you and how you think about things and process information. That is an important aspect to understand as the leader.

This is a key critical moment to realize that it’s not about the words you say, it’s not about the message you are trying to send to your people, it’s about what they think they heard from you.

It’s one of the things that separates phenomenal leaders from the average ones.

You should also always ask at the end if they have any questions about this. Is there anything that’s not making sense to you about these instructions, these tasks or whatever it is that you are trying to communicate?

I will even ask you right now, do you have any questions about this concept that I’m trying to impart to you?

It’s not about what you are trying to communicate, it’s about what they think they heard. Do you have any questions about that?

There’s a way to get a hold of me to ask those questions: [email protected]. Shoot me an email, let me know.

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