How to handle Multiple date columns in Fact table of power BI data model design?
As soon as you start developing Power BI models, you’ll very likely run into a problem where you have two dates in your fact table and you can’t place two relationships between your date table and the other table.
Assume I have orders table with order date and ship date columns and I want to calculate Total Sales by Order Date Vs Total Sales by Ship Date then how to create the data model and give an insights based on this two columns?
Then the table looks like below with some row of records:
As you can see, we have a solid line here which represents an active relationship and we have now is a dotted line which means that we have created what is called an inactive relationship.
Since the relationship between date and order date is an active relationship, we can simply create a measure to calculate total sale as:
Now, how about if we want to show the Total Sales by Ship Date and make the relationship a solid line virtually?
Remember that the Total Sales by Ship Date has an inactive relationship with the Dates Table. We can activate this relationship using the special DAX function called USERELATIONSHIP to physically turn on one of those relationships.
So, we’re going to create a new measure and call it Total Sales by Ship Date as:
Thank you!