How to Handle Job Rejection

How to Handle Job Rejection

Job rejection is never easy! You likely did a lot of preparation for a role you thought you really wanted. How you handle the disappointing news can determine your success in the future. Although you might be disappointed, frustrated and not motivated to keep applying to jobs, it’s important to not let a job rejection hold you back you from applying to other opportunities.

If you want to learn how to handle job rejection, keep reading as I share my six recommendations.

1) First and foremost, know you are not alone!

Keep in mind you are likely among several other candidates that applied for the same position. It is understandable and acceptable to take some time to get your emotions in place, review and reflect on the experience and to think critically about what you could have done differently.

2) Send a follow up

Within a day of receiving the job rejection, don’t overlook the importance of sending a thank you follow up to the interviewer. Ask for detailed feedback, as this demonstrates although you might be disappointed, you are professional and want to to learn and grow, so you can be a stronger candidate for future opportunities. This communication also leaves a positive impression and the interviewer may keep you in mind if future opportunities that are a better fit for you arise.

3) Analyze your Candidacy

Once you process your initial emotions of the rejection, a key step is to take some time to reflect on your approach to the hiring process. Was this really a suitable position for you, based on your experience and skillset?

This is an ideal time to review and update your resume and cover letter, as well as practice responses to any questions during the interview you stumbled on. Take a step back and assess if there are any ways you could present yourself more favourably at your next interview, so it comes across that you are better suited for the job.

4) Turn the experience into a career development opportunity

Sometimes if you are missing one credential for a job, it might mean someone else who has all the requirements is hired. Don’t let that happen to you. Re-evaluate your skillset, identify your learnings and build your career development plan. This would include honing your skills, taking courses, as well as improving your job search techniques and learning more about yourself so you can use your strength to your advantage.

5) Stay positive

This one is easier said than done, but is crucial. Maintain a strong outlook by treating yourself to rewarding behaviours. Meet with friends, maintain personal interests that fulfil your life outside of work and don’t forget to exercise – it can be a great way to clear your head and relieve stress.

6) Maintain your momentum

Continue to regularly get in touch with your network of professional contacts and maintain communication with your recruitment professionals. This proactive approach nurtures your confidence. Continue seeking out opportunities or job boards or companies you are hopeful to work with.

Everything happens for a reason. Good things are worth waiting for. With persistence and a positive outlook, your dream job might be closer than you thought.


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