How to Handle a DOT Inspection Like a Boss
DOT inspection can mean a great deal of stress, regardless how calm and experienced truck driver you are.
You shouldn’t fear the DOT inspection, if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing!
I know its easiest said than done, but if you obey the rules and regulations, than there is nothing to worry about; or better said less things to worry about!
First of all, being in the trucking industry means a lot of rules! Period!
Regardless if you are a broker, dispatcher, experienced truck driver or a rookie, trucking company owner, or hold some role in the management or logistics, you still will need to comply and obey with the numerous agencies rules and regulations, with some of the main ones being the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
Furthermore, all already involved in the trucking world are very familiar with these agencies but for the one that are new, here is a short list of some of the more important ones that you will interact with in your driving career:
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA);
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA);
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA);
- United States Department of Labor (DOL);
- Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA).
DOT Officers
Same like there are good and bad employees in any industry and any professional group in matter of fact, the DOT inspectors are also known to have some good and some bad individuals assign to do the job.
As I said its all individual, but some of these DOT officers see their job as chance to hold power, while others see it as a way of helping to make the industry safer!
I don’t want to stereotype and sound bad, so I will just say that they are people that are performing, or trying to perform what they are paid for. Just a regular everyday people that are trying to do their job, which is making sure you respect safety and compliance.
Some of them are better than the others, and they concentrate only on the major safety issues during the vehicle inspection. While on the other side, others will look for “needle in the hay” and penalize you for a minor violation without even asking you and giving you the time to correct the problem and improve.
If the infraction is minor though, there is beter chance that you will not have a big hassle.
Even if you are in the wrong for one thing or another, if you cooperate with the DOT inspection officers, they might have better understanding for you.
However, their attitude will slightly depend on many circumstances, as well as the rules of the state they work for.
One thing is sure thought, and that is the fact that you will have to have a DOT inspection on a regular bases. That’s for fact, regardless how that make you fell!
You can choose if you are going to wear a big trucker hat or not. Further, you can choose which fuel transfer tank to use, and which Freightliner dealers you like.
It’s up to you to choose many things in life, but when it comes to DOT inspection, same like with the DOT physical examination, there is nothing to choose! You have to have it if you want to drive a truck, and that’s it! It’s a done deal!
This is not one of the biggest USA trucking secrets, it’s a fact that the DOT inspection is MUST, same like is a fact that we can’t by pass it! So why not try to make the best out of it!
The DOT Inspection and the Tough DOT Inspectors
Yet again, there are some DOT inspection officers that are set out to write as many tickets as they are able.
I am sure you’ve met at least one or two tough inspectors during your driving career, and if you don’t, then consider yourself as a lucky one! But your turn is yet to come, because you will meet them one day! That for sure!
Recording to media sources, some states and provinces perform a DOT inspection on a quota basis.
So, with other words, the inspectors are mandated by their various state or provincial governments, to inspect a certain number of trucks and issue a certain percentage of violation tickets.
And here is from where the harsh DOT inspection occurs, and the tough inspectors come from. Is not that they are tough; it’s that they have to fulfill the quota.
On places and areas like this, it’s quite possible to get a ticket and fine for an infraction which ordinarily would have been overlooked and forgiven if you were at some other region. You just happen to be on the wrong place, in the wrong time! As simple as that!
Of course, you can take the issue to court and fight it, if you think that you were clearly not on the wrong, and your ticket is illegitimate, but the reality is that most of the truckers do not have spare time to waste in some court hallways. And the DOT officers know that!
The Compliance Safety Accountability (CSA) is a North American standardized way of doing commercial vehicles inspection, but it is important to know that those inspections can be modified by the various states and provinces.
The U.S. DOT Inspection and How to Handle It
So, the stiff rules, and enforcing the DOT hours of service rules are just part of everything that the DOT inspection need to do. Wait just few months from now when the ELD mandate comes in place. I can bet that it will be lots of frustrated people out there!
However, if you co-operated and learn to handle the situation well, there is better chance that you end up with less hassle. This make it be rule number one!
To be quite honest with you, there is no right and wrong way when it comes to handling a DOT inspection. However, there is a lot you can do to control your feelings and with that make the DOT inspection as pleasant as it could be.
If you choose to drive a truck for living then most likely you will have to deal with DOT inspection occasionally; it’s a pure fact!
Firstly, let me tell you that the last thing a driver wants to do is to upset the person that is conducting the DOT inspection.
Yes, you should know better than acting all smart and showing your frustration. You are the chosen one and once they stop you and pull you onside, they will perform the DOT inspection, regardless you like it or not.
So instead of whining, cursing and going yellow then red in the face, try to pull yourself together and among everything else be:
- Professional truck driver not just a truck driver;
- Respectful;
- Pleasant;
- Courteous, polite and respectful;
- Listen what he/she has to say because some are a wealth of knowledge;
- Keep your ears open;
- Ready to take tips and learn;
- Be quiet (as hard as it may be).
What to Do During the DOT Inspection Performance
You should accept what is said; even if that means that you should accept a violation ticket that you think is unfair!
In cases where you think that the DOT inspection is not accurate and the officer is wrong, don’t try to argue with the officer.
Take the issue at the cord if you have to, but don’t do it there at the spot. You won’t gain nothing but more time spent in place and you know as well as I do that time is money this days. If you don’t roll your tires, you are not making any!
Remember, just as you don’t like to be told how to drive your truck, don’t tell the DOT inspectors how to do their job.
So here without any further delay, let me present you some tips for truckers on how to best handle a DOT inspection.
10 Best Advice’s for Handling a DOT Inspection like a Boss
1. Be Respectful, Courteous Pleasant and Professional During the Entirety of the Inspection
I know it’s not easy, but if you are visually stress, try to calm down and avoid any discussion that can put you through a greater risk of getting punished for things that you didn’t even know that exist on your truck.
2. Listen Carefully and Do What the Inspector is Saying!
You might be a PRO in what you do, but when a DOT inspection stops you, it’s time to listen what they have to say.
This is their 5 minutes and you better listen to them! In matter of fact a lot of DOT inspection officers are wise people with many years of experience under their belt! They can give you some good tips and bits that will be useful in future.
3. Ask Intelligent Questions
If you have some smart questions then ask, but don’t ask, just to ask!
There is nothing wrong with asking questions but make sure you’re asking something that makes sense and is a valid question that will not make you look stupid.
4. Don’t Repeat Yourself Or the DOT Inspection Officer. Just Make the Point Clear, and Move On
I know that all you are trying to do is show to the inspector that you understand what he is saying, but again, it’s his time to speak, and just because you understand what he is saying does not mean that he will have more understanding for you when it’s tickets time!
5. Don’t Try to Impress the Officer
Same goes for trying to impress the officer with your great knowledge. Regardless how well educated you are on a DOT inspection procedures and lows; remember he is the one holding the check up list.
6. Don’t Confront the Officer
Even if you think they are wrong, don’t argue with the DOT inspection officers. Take the issue to court, but don’t challenge them. All you will accomplish by arguing is watching the fines grow and accumulate.
7. Stay Quiet and Don’t Try to Tell the DOT Inspection Officer How to Do his Job
I know it’s hard, but stay quiet, accept what they say and let them do their job. You won’t earn their paycheck, so don’t tell them how to perform their job. Your best chance for surviving the DOT inspection with minimum to none tickets and fines is if you shut up.
8. Learn How to Pull Up Logbook Information
If the DOT inspection officer asks to see your log book records, be ready and prepared to hand them over. Many states require you to have a paper manual instruction book for the electronic logging device you are running.
Always have the manual in your truck, on a safe and convenient place, and know where it is when you need it.
9. Be Familiar With the Required Documentation
Know the different documentation you are carrying in your driver’s documents binder.
You should be able to identify and locate any document that the DOT inspection officer asks to see.
Your cab card, insurance, IFTA reports and documents should all be up to date and checked up on a daily bases or every time you are performing a pre-trip inspections.
10. Be Aware and Prepared
The inspector will be less likely to give you grief if he sees you know what you’re doing. If you are hauling hazardous cargo and any type of HAZMAT transportation, know the required documentation and have the permits and all the required documentation with you.
Those golden rules above are definitely not all you need to know about DOT inspection, but will definitely point you to the right direction.
Some Helpful DOT Inspection Secrets
I know that there are already experienced drivers that know most of what I have to say, but for the ones that are new to the industry I will present few secrets that are good to know when you are around DOT inspection officers.
When a DOT officer pulls you in, you should stay seated in the cab with both hands on the wheel and seat belt buckled. Stay that way until the inspector makes his or her way to the door.
The officer will then ask you to open the door and start a brief conversation with you. The purpose of the door being open is so the officer can look inside the cab.
He will look for anything that might be suspicions as well as a “sniff test” for drugs and alcohol.
If the inspector notice small round burn marks in the cab, then prepare yourself for a long and detail search for drugs.
And, don’t even dare to refuse the search because you will have to do it, regardless you like it or not. If you refuse, the officer can call state troopers for assistance, so mind as well give up ahead of time!
Furthermore, the DOT inspection officer will also engage in a brief conversation with you about your driving that day, so he can notice if you are telling the truth or not. They will match what you are speaking with the info in the log book.
You will automatically be out of service if you don’t have a spare tire . SO make sure you always have a spare one in the tire rack.
Those are few secrets that will definitely help you handle your DOT inspection like a boss!
DOT Inspection Types
The DOT requires that all commercial motor vehicles (CMV’s) of more than 10,000 pounds undergo annual inspections.
You as a truck driver will have to deal with DOT inspection regularly, so prepare yourself and know what to expect!
The six levels of DOT inspections include:
1. North American Standard Inspection – When this inspection is performed, usually they ask for documents such as at the driver license and medical examination certificate, as well as key parts of the vehicle including seat belt, exhaust system, head and tail lamps, fuel system, turn signals, and so on.
2. Special Inspection – This is one time examination during which the DOT inspection officers will look at specific items.
3. Driver-Only Inspection – This inspection with review the vehicle operator’s driver’s license, the daily log and the medical certification.
4. Walk-Around Driver/Vehicle Inspection – This examination is performed by examining everything in the Level I inspection, without the inspection under the CMV.
5. Enhanced NAS Inspection for Radioactive Shipments – Select radio-logical shipments have to undergo this type of inspection.
6. Vehicle-Only Inspection – This DOT inspection will perform everything same like the Level 1 inspection, just without the driver.
Regardless of the industry, any employer, employee, or vehicle involved in the transportation of property or passengers in interstate commerce, is subject to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR).
As a truck driver you are definitely falling under this group so, it is what is, as they say! If you drive something above 10, 000lbs. then you are subject of a regular, routine DOT inspection check up. You will have to have it, one way or the other! So why not try to make the best out of it? All you need to do is to prepare well!
By bean well prepared, I meant: – You should pull your acts together, and handle the DOT inspection like a boss.
In summary, a lot of this is common sense!
You will reduce the likelihood and chances of the officer going further with the DOT inspection by doing few things including:
- If your truck looks half decent;
- You are well prepared;
- If you have the required up to date documents and everything ready to go and you’re decent about it;
- You have a good attitude.
This does not mean that it will prohibit it! But at least you will have a better chance of not staying on spot for hours. Plus, you will have a better chance of getting on your way faster and sooner.
Keep in mind being calm and professional is the key! Handle that DOT inspection like a boss!
Did you ever had to deal with the DOT inspection and how did you handle it?
What are some of the challenges, and difficult situation that lead you to a DOT Inspection fines and violations? We would like to hear from you! Please share your thoughts, tips and suggestions with us in the comment box below.