How to Handle Constructive Criticism
Andy Molinsky
Organizational & Cross-Cultural Psychologist at Brandeis; 3x Book Author: Global Dexterity, Reach, Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce
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If we haven't been acquainted yet, I’m a professor of organizational and cross-cultural psychology, the author of?Global Dexterity?and?Reach, and an HBR contributor and consultant.?I also work closely with coaches, trainers, consultants and teachers to certify them in my?Global Dexterity Method.
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Most of us hate being criticized about anything.?But it’s often the only way for us to get the feedback we need to improve.?Here’s how to ensure that you receive constructive criticism with professionalism and maturity.?
1. Think of feedback as data.?From an emotional point of view, criticism can feel like a punch to the gut.?But from a more rational perspective, it’s data.?And you can use this data to improve your performance.?So, do what you can to take this more analytical approach. ?If you’re defensive, you probably won’t benefit from the feedback-- and you most definitely won’t earn a positive reputation as someone who can hear it.
2.?Be an active listener.?And while you're doing this, make sure you're really listening and processing. Summarize and reflect the feedback, and if emotions seem to be getting in the way, suppress them in the moment and know you’ll have time to process them later.
3. Ask for specifics.?The more specific the “data” you receive, the more useful it will be. So, push them on specifics.?Ask them to really get to the heart of the critique so you truly understand how you can improve.
4. Don’t act impulsively. Don’t respond immediately to the criticism, even if that's your instinct. Take time to process the feedback. Run it by close colleagues or friends. Make a list of things you agree with; things you don’t; and things that need more clarity. And only once you've processed the message should you re-engage with your colleague.
4. Use the other person as a resource.??Enlist your evaluator to do a little personal coaching for you. Explain that you’d love their help in working on next steps. Even if they don’t have the time - or don’t follow though - you’ve shown you can take a critique and are motivated… both of which reflect very positively on you as a professional.
5. Evaluate the evaluator.?Sometimes feedback is off base, or a person has a particular agenda in delivering it. So as part of your vetting and sense-making process, make sure?to evaluate the evaluator. ?
6. Don’t forget to say thank you.?Finally, if someone offers you constructive criticism, chances are, they see potential in you and care about your development. So, although your focus may be on the critique itself, or your negative feelings, take a moment to say thank you.??And chances are, this will do two different things: it will solidify your reputation as a mature and gracious professional willing to accept feedback; and on the inside, you may surprise yourself by feeling a bit better about the feedback itself.?