What's your best price?


These conversations regarding “what’s your best price”, are often awkward for the unprepared and unpractised salesperson.

In this article we will cover a number of time-tested responses that will give you greater confidence and competence when discussing the issue of the best price with your customer.

Customer says… “Your price is too high!”

Your response could be…

“Which means that…?”

“Compared to what…?”

“You really feel our prices are too high. Could you explain that for me?”

“If it were less expensive, would you want it? Then what you’re telling me is that you do want it. Let’s work together and see how we can make that happen.”

It’s a fact that the sweetness of low price is often forgotten when you have to deal day after day with the bitterness of low or poor quality

Our price is too high!

We very rarely hear that.

What do you mean by that?

If our competitors are much less, what does that tell you? Perhaps they really know what their product is worth.

Yes, our price is higher compared to what some others in the field may ask.

And there is a good reason for that May I have your permission to explain why? (give 5 best benefits of your product or service)

Do you usually purchase only on price?

Do you think it is wise to also review the quality and reputation of our company?

May I have your permission to show you what others have said? (show your evidence manual).

I’m glad you mentioned price.

We prefer to think of it as an investment.

That’s really the best part of buying from our company.

We pride ourselves on providing the best value for money possible.

Yes, we can lower the price right now, but you would need to make a decision on what options you would like me to delete from our proposal. Is that okay?

These are just a few of the many examples of excellent responses you can learn from a variety of sales script book.

We recommend the Australian Sales Script book published by Wayne Mansfield

Remember: The power goes to the one that is best prepared!


David Jackson CSP

The Sales Doctor

e. [email protected]


p. +61403102000



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