How to Handle Bad Days?

How to Handle Bad Days?

How often one has bad days? It varies from person to person. However, regardless how super human we could be, all of us have bad days at one point or the other. It could be due to two factors. One could be a factor where we have no control whatsoever – such as natural calamities or situations such as weather or traffic jams etc. Second, one could be a factor where we have complete control or ability to address personally – be it at work or home. We may wish things to be perfect, peaceful and happy for all stakeholders and mainly to yourself. When things get out of place and out of control, we tend to feel that it is going to become a bad or rather worst day in your memory. This article focuses more of the second type.

Anyone can have a good day, but you have to be able to perform on a bad day. - Jurgen Klopp

Handling Bad Days on things that are out of our control

Taking the first type of situation let me give personal experiences. I was living in Denver, Colorado in the US when the Mile High City had two of its worst blizzards in history – one in 1997(21.9 inches of snow between 24-25 Oct) and another in 2003 (31.8 inches of snow between 17-19 March). I was also living in Chennai, India during the great floods of 2015. During the three natural conditions, I was safe – Thanks due to the location I was staying in and actions taken decided how long it took to get back to normalcy. 

As another example of situations that are not fully in our control, think about some of the bad days we normally have in traffic. This is a no-brainier situation for those who travel regularly on the road – especially on the road. Take this example of people blocked in a 62-mile long traffic jam that ended after 12 days in China in 2010, along the Beijing-Tibet expressways in August of 2010 resulting in a 3-day journey all due to a manufactured vehicular clog-up. The irony being the fact that the traffic jam caused by construction vehicles aimed to ease the traffic. This is as normal as what we see in metros across the globe – be it the Silk Board junction in Bangalore or the Metro expansion plans in Hyderabad. The situation is tautologically very similar across the globe. 

How will you react if you had a situation like this? ( Source: Imgur/Reddit )

At the age of 18, I made up my mind to never have another bad day in my life. I dove into a endless sea of gratitude from which I've never emerged. - Patch Adams

Other bad days are like what the Great Depression is devastating effects across the world, resulting in a perennial bad period for a long period across every country and whether rich and poor. Everyone suffered and the global trade plunging between 50-70% and unemployment rising up by 25-33%. Similar situations faced by many nations – be it an invasion, war, civil war, natural or economic calamities. The impact of a bad day could be big – such as the 2004’s great Tsunami or multiple earthquakes, floods across the world – All caused a massive impact on the lives of people. It is difficult to highlight the impact of these days by people who may not have experienced the same. 

I said at the start of the race that the Tour is about being good for 21 days, being consistent every day, not having super days and bad days. -Bradley Wiggins

Most of the examples above are bad days arising because of an event that is out of our control (almost all of them). On the other hand, most of the bad days arise because of our own behavior, expectations, beliefs, assumptions, values, faith, disappointments, agony, anxiousness, fear etc. 

Coming back to Bad days we feel about, some things to keep in mind to avoid ruminating in agony forever. We may have a bad day because of a bad experience with someone we love or feel attached or a stranger. It could be your partner, your children, your extended relatives, your work colleagues, your boss, your customers, and people providing you service, public officials, or the public. It could be a simple simple irritant. It could be an unacceptable behavior. It could be a big crime. It could be an incident causing a prolonged impact. 

An immediate feeling we may have will be – Anger, Fury, Annoyance, irritation, rage, ire, resentment, frustration, Fear, Restlessness, Anxiety, Nervousness to name a few. The immediate action causes more damage to us than the people we develop such a feeling. 

How can we address such a situation? What should we stop doing?

1.  Stop blaming others or yourself. 

  • What has happened has happened. No one can go back in time and change it. However, you can handle the consequences, plan for future and have an approach laid out

2.  Stop being Petulant or Cantankerous

  • It is a waste of time and energy. To be grumpy or being petulant to build on complaining will not help. Again it is about things that you can control or address. Just because it did not transpire as you expected doesn’t mean you are right and others are wrong. It could be incorrect expectations or assumptions causing this situation. 

3.  Stop yelling or bellowing at others or be melodramatic

  • You are not only making the situation worse but also causing a damage in a person’s “Good day" experience too.

4.  Stop getting flustered or becoming panicky

  • Losing control or being flustered has adverse effects on the brain and the body. All it does is to make you weak physically and mentally and could influence you cognitively and affect your capability. Be calm. Relax and try some mindfulness technique such as meditation or some physical activity like walking, running, swimming or cycling. Even looking out for the beauty of nature for 5 minutes can help a lot.

5.  Stop Wallowing or self-pitying

  • Not being realistic and self-pitying in a commiserate manner validates your action without realizing the damage it causes to you and the people your action had an impact on 

How can we resolve this issue? What are some remedial measures?

  1. Think twice (or thrice) on what/where it went wrong. Find out about solubility of the problem. Look for solutions. Focus on solving the problem.
  2. Do not cascade emotional outburst in a snowballing mode one over the other. Handling with one problem should not create or result in one or more problems as you might end up having a worse day than the situation you started with.
  3. Tell yourself that you have had better days. Motivate yourself and bring in some good memories wherein you had overcome struggles and have smiled at the end of the day. Have a list of things you can do – be it a set of books, notes you can refer to – be it music or movies/clips that can chill you out – be it looking at a photo album – be it reflecting on memories that will relax you. 
  4. Always remember to learn from your mistakes and ensure that you don’t repeat them in future when you want to have good days. Remember the quote from Lao Tzu – “Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”. 
  5. At the end of the day do not hold on to the things happened in the past. Remember, "This too shall pass" and there is always a new sunrise after better hope for a successful and happy one. Holding a grudge, anger or fear is like holding a hot burning coal in your fist and expect others to suffer, whilst it will be you who will be suffering

If we can adopt do’s and don’ts for handling such difficult situations for things that are in our control using mindfulness, we will exhibit behaviors that can emanate in a calm and composed response during situations that are totally out of our control – such as a bad weather or a traffic. It will also allow us to plan well and do better. 

As a simple math, if we improve 1% a day, or a week or a month, we will be better human beings in a year than we were a year before. On the other hand, if we are in a downward spiral, our capabilities decrease regularly. Having bad-days and our reaction to bad-days can contribute in a large manner to our personal transformation to the positive or negative side.

To end, some great quotes by Lao Tzu will help us have a good day throughout, if practiced well 

I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
When virtue is lost, benevolence appears, when benevolence is lost right conduct appears when right conduct is lost, expedience appears. Expediency is the mere shadow of right and truth; it is the beginning of disorder.

What do you think – How will you address a bad day emanating from things that are out of your control or situations that you can influence to make it a better day? 

Credits: Image built using CANVA using free sources available in the Web App and YouExec Template. All Links correspond to public URLs available and credit goes to respective authors. Respective trademarks owned by corresponding firms. Images are from the Internet and the rights are either CC-0 or belongs to the rightful owners. All quotes are available in the Public Internet. Opinions highlighted are from a personal experience standpoint and in no way reflect the views of my current or past employers or clients. I do not get paid for this article.

#BadDays #Mindfulness #Challenges #GoodDays #PersonalMastery #CareerAdvice #MotivateToSucceed #Family #PersonalBranding #HowToBuildASuccessfulCareer #BeingABetterHuman

Thank you sir for sharing great thought with us.

Kalilur Rahman

Director @ Novartis | IT Strategy, IT Management, Business Transformation

6 年

All thanks for your comments so far. What's your view on 1% productivity table as in the table below??


Validation Lead for US Pharma giant

6 年

Great insightful article!

Kalilur Rahman

Director @ Novartis | IT Strategy, IT Management, Business Transformation

6 年
Ernst Lieber

Beyond Leadership - ein zeitgem??es Verst?ndnis von Führen und Geführtwerden

6 年

All fine. One Thing forgotten or ommitted intentionally? ALLOW YOURSELF TO HAVE A BAD TIME / A BAD DAY. Take your emotions seriously. As soon as you have done that, continue with the advice given in the article. And MOST IMPORTANT: In such situations NEVER (!) START WITH "WHY" (simply because there is None).


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