How hackable is your password?
Did you know the popularity of Liverpool Football Club has made it a commonly guessed password by hackers around the world? But unbelievably, “123456” consistently ranks each year as the most common – more than 103 million uses of this password were counted in the annual Nordpass survey in 2021.??
On May 5, World Password Day, it's a perfect time to check how secure your passwords are, and what you can do to manage them all! Why is this important? Here are a few good reasons:
Hoping for the best, but planning for the worst, it is not a case of if, but when a business will be attacked.?
So much of our personal and business data is stored online and it’s critical to do everything we can to keep it safe and secure and out of the hands of the hackers.??
Human beings bring their humanity to password creation?
Humans love to include words in our passwords that are personal and meaningful to us, just like:?
Using personal information in your passwords makes the work of potential hackers easier and it should be avoided, but there are also a range of other actions you can take to make stronger, safer passwords.
Use at least 8 characters in your passwords but don’t make them too long.
Don't require character composition requirements. For example, *&}^%$:?
Don't require mandatory periodic password resets for user accounts.?
Ban common passwords, to keep the most vulnerable passwords out of your system.?
Educate your users to not reuse their organisation passwords for non-work-related purposes
Enforce registration for multi-factor authentication and enable risk-based multi-factor authentication challenges.?
Don't use a password that’s the same or similar to one you use on any other websites.?
How do you keep track of all of your passwords???
There is broad range of password manager applications which generates, stores and protects all of your passwords, such as:?
These are user friendly and far more trustworthy platforms compared to storing passwords in your phone or through Facebook and they have several layers of security.??
Think of storing passwords in your phone like using a digital exercise book – if your phone is hacked, your passwords may be on display.??
Apps like Lastpass and Bitwarden:?
How Veracity can help businesses ensure their data is cyber safe.??