How to Hack Your Personal Career Goals
Cornelius Pantow
BNSP Assessor | AHCA | CHRM | CHRP | CBEI | 40 Under 40 Asia HR Leaders
First thing, this article (hopefully) can make you more happier after read this.
Sometime, your Recruiter randomly ask you: Where do you see yourself in he next 10 years? What will you have achieved when you reach 40 or 50 years old?
Usually, you will answer that you want to own 5 houses when that time comes. Or you aim to travel the world when you're 50. But the truth is that it's more than just ticking off the entries on your bucket list. What I am asking is, how you - obviously as an individual with a mind, body and spirit - would like to develop?
What are personal career goals?
They are goals intended to increase one's development - mentally, emotionally, and socially.
If you want to be successful later in your life, you need to evolve to be a individual. So having an idea of what you want to be is a must since personal development is a lifelong process.
Setting up a development goal is a way for you to assess your capabilities, consider your aims in life, and maximize your potential. So that's why here are several personal career goals to start with:
Develop a growth mindset & be proactive
Having a growth mindset enables you to move forward and be better. Believe that you are capable of changing what needs to be changed and accept your potential so it will be realized
Waiting for change is one story but going out there and making it happen takes it up to another level. Always remember that you have power to create opportunities for yourself and take full advantage of the opportunities that come your way.
Define your own idea of success and also accept yourself
If you want to be successful, do not look at others' definition of success. Instead, define your own. Living by everyone else's ideals can only frustrate you, but if you know what success and happiness look like for you, you will know what needs to be done to achieve it.
It's one thing to know yourself and it's another thing to accept what you learned about yourself. That includes your strengths and your flaws. Try to better yourself in any way, shape or form you see fit. But also have to accept that you are not perfect and never will be. You will make mistakes and that's okay because you are a work in progress.
Grow beyond your comfort zone & of course conquer your fears
Being comfortable doesn’t always mean you’re safe. Sometimes, staying in our comfort zones prevent us from growth. Remember that real learning comes outside of your comfort zone. It means you have to try new things and have the courage to do so.
Facing your fears or just imagining the thing that you’re afraid of, is a scary feat. I know it’s hard but it’s not impossible. It is better to relive your trauma than to suppress it. So if you want to overcome your fear, you have to expose yourself to it. It is difficult but with the help of people you love, you can topple the fears that hold you back in life.
Improve your communication skills, be a good influence
How we interact and communicate with people has an impact on our lives, whether you like it or not. That is why it is very important that we learn to communicate our thoughts and wishes more effectively. In fact, we should also be good listeners. We need to understand people to forge a bond, be a better friend, and minimize conflict.
Strive to be a good influence on others. Believe it or not, you have the power to change the world in your own way. Just shining a positive light into the world already makes a huge difference. Doing good to others makes their lives a bit brighter in the process.
Find a healthy work-life balance, somehow learn to cope with stress in a healthy way
A huge chunk of our life’s timeline is spent working. However, most are stressed with their work. You must find a healthy work-life balance. Remember that we work to live and not live to work.
Stress will always be there – deadlines, exams, and even the small challenges we encounter in our daily lives. It is inevitable. The only thing we can do is to learn how to respond to stress in a healthy way. One technique is to approach any trial with calmness because it will make it easier to bear and quicker to resolve. Then find a way to resolve it as soon as possible instead of procrastinating and doing things that are harmful to your health.
Be productive, yet do not stop learning
Time is like a river – you cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Learn the value of time, which is an ever-dwindling resource in your mortal existence. Remember, each second that passes is one you will never get back.
Every day of our lives presents us with new things to learn. Life itself provides us with lessons. On the other hand, you can also commit to a life of meaningful learning in order to grow and promote good mental health.
So, maximize what you achieve with your time. Being productive and avoiding procrastination is a good start to making the most of it.
Learn to respond appropriately, also positive self-talk
Every time we are presented with a situation, we can always choose how to respond. Needless to say, choosing to respond appropriately is commendable. It can also make a good personal development goal. Responding appropriately means avoiding anger when it is not needed and not making mountains out of molehills.
How you think and speak about yourself can greatly influence how you feel and act. So when you keep the language and tone positive, a positive mindset is also developed. A positive inner monologue can encourage greater self-esteem, improve self-belief, and give motivation.
Know your purpose - practice empathy
Your goals are nothing if you don’t know your purpose. I know finding your purpose is easier said than done. But when you do find it, you’ll also find true contentment.
Empathy means being able to relate to another human being’s feelings. You are able to feel their pain and their joy – it helps you connect to other people.
Get into an exercise routine
No matter how you look at it, exercise is an excellent habit to pick up. Not only is it great for your health, but it’s also great for your mind, too.