How to Hack Your Brain's Attention System for Maximum Productivity!
Hybrid Performance Group
Becoming the best version of you is a mindset and lifestyle. Make a change. Take over responsibility for your success!
In the realm of attention research, a crucial aspect often overlooked is the intrinsic wiring of our minds, absolving us from the blame of our inability to focus on what truly matters. The enigma of attention lies in its captivating nature, as our cognitive architecture compels us to direct our focus towards stimuli exhibiting three distinct characteristics: pleasure, threat, and novelty. Within the prefrontal cortex, the cerebral seat of logic, a novelty bias is embedded, triggering the release of dopamine each time we engage with something new and novel. This neurochemical response elucidates the ease with which we succumb to idly scrolling through familiar applications on our phones, where the allure of novelty outshines other facets of our lives in terms of pleasure, threat, and novelty. Consequently, our attention becomes fixated on these digital distractions, diverting our focus from more significant and fruitful pursuits.
To address this issue, the initial step is to deliberately select our focal point and subsequently restrain the encroachment of distractions. By consciously concentrating on a chosen objective, we can reclaim our attention and redirect it when necessary. In contemplating the aspects of pleasure, threat, and novelty, it appears feasible to employ ingenious strategies that enable us to trick ourselves into perceiving the current task at hand as more pleasurable, threatening, and novel. Are you seeking guidance on this matter?
Certainly! One effective approach involves implementing a system of self-reward for maintaining focus on specific tasks. This crucially underscores the importance of taming distractions, as what may appear as a mere diversion in the heat of the moment is, in fact, an attention-grabbing entity that appears more enticing than the task we genuinely desire to engage with. For instance, suppose you are listening to a podcast on your Apple device while simultaneously receiving a notification that someone has tagged you in a Facebook post. In this scenario, the temptation to pause the podcast and peruse the picture and associated comments might overshadow the potential meaning and productivity the podcast holds. To counteract this inclination, it is essential to eliminate any stimuli that could potentially overshadow our desired focus, prioritizing what truly matters over transient gratification, threat, or novelty.
To further explore the concept of tricking ourselves into tackling important tasks promptly, a study conducted by Carlton University in Ottawa sheds light on particular attributes of tasks or projects that increase the likelihood of procrastination. These attributes encompass factors such as boredom, frustration, difficulty, ambiguity, lack of structure, absence of personal meaning, and dearth of intrinsic reward. It is noteworthy that our most critical endeavors often exhibit several of these attributes, warranting higher remuneration than minimum wage positions. Conversely, the most productive items on our to-do lists, the ones that bear significant consequences, might not possess the same degree of pleasure, threat, or novelty as Facebook or email notifications. However, by employing strategic methods, we can exploit these triggers of procrastination to our advantage. For instance, collaborating with a colleague or supervisor to establish a deadline for a task can heighten the sense of threat, while rewarding ourselves for completing the task can infuse a sense of pleasure. Moreover, introducing artificial deadlines can infuse a dash of novelty, such as setting a timer for a specific duration during which we commit to focusing solely on the task at hand. By doing so, we engage in hyper-focused work, simultaneously enhancing the perceived threat, novelty, and pleasure associated with the task.
Hence, this line of thinking offers promising possibilities for preemptively orchestrating circumstances that align with our desired objectives, thereby enabling us to navigate the intricate terrain of attention with greater efficacy.