How Guru Yogi Mohan Became a Universal Healer
Guru Yogi Mohan (PhD )
Universal Healing Project(UHP), Eliminating Brain Probloms ,Brain stroke reversal (normalising) in few days, Guru for Nada Yoga and Kayakalpa Yoga, Healer for Cancers and Brain based problems .
Guru Yogi Mohan, formerly known as Mohandas, had a life-changing experience when he was studying at the fifth standard. Suddenly, he saw different colors dancing around him and felt a mist and fire-like mix surrounding him. In his deep sleep, he could see the entire world and even became friends with people who lived thousands of years ago, including sages and architects of ancient civilizations. Through his dreams, he learned about the universe's formation from these ancient masters. Imhotep, the architect of the Egyptian pyramid, and Sage Kaishapa and Kanada were some of his best friends during his dream experiences. They shared their knowledge and experiences with him, which gave him special abilities to change critical conditions of human life just by touching them. He also discovered that he could cure diseases by looking at a patient with his eyes. His observation skills were beyond measure and had the power to transform a human body. However, as per the direct advice of his master Siva Prebhakara Siddha Yogi, he did not mention this ability during his earlier days. It's fascinating how his journey as a universal healer began and how he continues to change lives through his unique abilities. He saved several thousand lives.
This video is his life story:
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