How to Guarantee Your Success in Network Marketing and Recruit with a Push of a Button in 5 Simple Steps

How to Guarantee Your Success in Network Marketing and Recruit with a Push of a Button in 5 Simple Steps

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and confused trying to learn how to market your mlm company? I sure did.

Or did your company or upline keep telling you that it's just sharing and that everyone needs your products so they just sell themselves? Yeah, I believed that myth too!

Now I know there's a better way. Check out the article below from my friend, Ferny, to learn the 5 important, simple steps to eliminate all that confusion and really build your business in a sustainable way that will REALLY let you have a stay-at-home business!

How to Guarantee Your Success in Network Marketing and Recruit with a Push of a Button in 5 Simple Steps

When I first started in network marketing, I was told something that really bothered me…

It was at a nuts n’ bolts training meeting held by a successful distributor in my upline, a wealthy physician with his own private practice, who’d also made over 2 million dollars in network marketing.

He obviously knew what it took to create success in life, or so I thought.

But when I got to his house, a big house in a nice neighborhood, and sat through his training session, I was extremely disappointed.

Basically, for an hour I sat in his living room as he drew on a whiteboard, and listened to him give a big spiel that was mostly “fluff.”

Worst of all, he didn’t teach us anything which remotely resembled a strategy or skill set I could use.Instead, he kept saying…

This business, it’s not selling, it’s sharing.

You’re simply ‘sharing’ the business with people.

You don’t need to sell; you just need to share these meetings with more people.

This didn’t make sense to me, because he was basically saying that network marketing is a game of chance and didn’t require any skills.

Think about it…

As a physician, he didn’t get “lucky” in his practice. He didn’t get lucky, when he graduated from med school and got licensed in the state of California to practice medicine.

No, he worked really hard, and he learned processes and skills for everything he did, which is how he became a doctor, and eventually became an entrepreneur by opening up his own practice.

That wasn’t easy.

As an engineer, I knew that people in my profession certainly didn’t become successful by luck.

No matter what profession you’re in, I’m sure you’ll agree that…

People Become Successful by Learning Skills and Getting Good at Them!

Luck has very little to do with it.

Even though I didn’t know much about network marketing back then, I knew his path couldn’t have been easy…and his success definitely wasn’t random.

After that presentation, I craved for somebody to show me a specific process that would help me build my business in a way that made sense.

I wanted the network marketing success this particular doctor had and I wanted to know step-by-step, how he did it.

My frustration with the lack of answers, is what led me to eventually go online and find network marketing mentors who used the Internet to build large teams, using a set of strategies, which they called “attraction marketing.

Along with giving me strategies, attraction marketing solved the #1 problem in my network marketing business—a lack of fresh and new prospects for my business.

And I was able to find them, in a predictable way, without bugging friends and family OR cold prospecting strangers on the streets.

But more importantly, from my mentors, I learned that success in network marketing (or any business) isn’t about luck, or chance, or any roll of the dice.

It’s strategic, skill based and can be done in a predictable way—i.e. it’s about doing the right things in the right sequence, to achieve a specific result.

Now, what I want to share with you in this article are…

5 Proven Strategic Steps I Used to Guarantee My Success…

…and can help you guarantee yours!

Essentially, these 5 things, when done in the right order, can literally create “push button” money — which offers you the ability to recruit network marketers with a few strokes of the keyboard on your computer.

Now, I know that sounds a bit “hypey,” but let me prove what I’m saying to you…

Just like any profession, in network marketing you need to learn specific skills. And you need to treat what you are learning with the exact same seriousness that a doctor or engineer treats the skills of their trade.

Here’s what you need first…

Step 1: Find or Develop a Strategy

A strategy is essentially a series of specific steps that enable you to achieve a specific goal.

I say specific in the sense that you can draw the steps on a piece of paper or a whiteboard and map out how you’re going to achieve your goal.

Now, if you’re not being taught any semblance of a short or long-term strategy by your upline or company, you need to run away and go somewhere else!

Seriously, I’m not kidding!

Because you have 2 choices: you can either:

1. Develop the strategy yourself, which is going to take a lot of money, time & trial and error, or

2. You can find people who have already figured out exactly how to be successful in network marketing and model their strategy.

Now, personally, I tried to reinvent the wheel and it cost me over $150,000 is wasted money and got me $60k in credit card debt.

It is much better to follow a proven process from an already-successful networker who’s making money and doing it in a way that resonates with you. For me, the strategy, which worked best for me included using online recruiting methods, which fit with my introverted personality.

In summary: find a mentor or company that gives you a concrete strategy for recruiting your first person, making your first sale, and eventually reaching your long-term goals ─especially if you want to recruit network marketers into your business.

If somebody hasn’t provided that, for you in whatever team or organization you’re in, then you either need to find a mentor that is willing to teach you a clear strategy or you can give online recruiting a try by clicking here to learn more.

Step 2: The Strategy MUST Be Simple & Repeatable

This step is the key to duplication in network marketing…

You want to teach your strategy to your downline so they can go out, succeed, and make you some money in the process and the process should be simple, but not necessarily easy.

Now, recall that the doctor I mentioned before told us, “it’s not selling, it’s sharing.”

Even though I was new, I thought it sounded simplistic, moronic, and inauthentic.

After all, I was “sold” (influenced) into signing up for this business, so why was he telling us that we didn’t need to learn to do the same

Looking back, I know why.

·       Issue 1: The doctor assumed we were dumb, or weak, so he made the process of building the business sound easy, because he didn’t want to scare us away by telling us the truth. (i.e. that we had to learn some tangible skills.)

·       Issue 2: He was not doing what he preached. He approached his business in one way (skill based), while telling us to do something entirely different. This meant we couldn’t duplicate, even if we wanted to, because catering to weakness doesn’t duplicate.

As a leader in my company today, I use every single process and tactic I teach to my students and organization.

I give my team the exact same tools I use, and I’m constantly testing, refining, and improving my methods. And if anything changes, I let them know.

That’s my responsibility as a leader.

Besides, developing strategies isn’t the team’s responsibility; it’s the leader’s.

I’m not saying that a strategy or tactic has to be a “touchdown” the first time it’s used by a new rep. It just has to deliver results that can be quantified, assessed and be improved on over time.

It is very likely that your first time implementing a strategy won’t go well and you have to be ok with that, as long as you are committed to improving and learning.

Tim Sales, was the first OFFLINE network marketer I ever learned from that actually taught me an effective process for building offline, without the internet.

Mind you, this was long after I had already started online, so a lot of what Tim taught on cold calling or cold market recruiting, wasn’t relevant to me personally, but I understood why it worked for his team.

Tim teaches with the assumption that you are willing to actually do the work, learn skills and are strong enough to persevere, the same way I do.

Here at Elite Marketing Pro, we’ve solved the biggest problem in network marketing, which was finding new prospects to talk to every single day, who are actually interested in talking to you about network marketing. But you still need to have effective conversations to bring your prospects into your business.

In summary: The business building strategy must be repeatable & quantifiable so, anyone may perform them, see results and improve over time.

Do. Get Result. Correct. Repeat…

Step 3: Gain Experience

When you treat the strategy you’re learning as seriously as you would the skills you’d learn in any other profession, you gain experience.

And with that experience comes an understanding of nuance, meaning you start learning things that you just can’t learn in a course or in an audio book or training.

Here’s the truth of the matter: if you’re thinking, “I want to make some money now, now, now, now,” I can tell you right now you’re setting yourself up for failure.

I don’t mean to be harsh, but “get-rick-quick schemes” are just that: schemes.

They don’t create sustainable, predictable success because the success is not based on the development of skills.

Unless you treat network marketing as a profession, you won’t succeed.

You’ll also aggravate your leaders, because personally, I worked VERY hard to develop and learn the strategies I teach. I feel disrespected when people think I can teach them a trick for making 6-figures or 7-figures overnight.

It may seem like a trick, because I’m good at what I do & make it look easy, but it does require practice and time, so that eventually it does become easy. (More on this in step #5.)

(Even then, if it takes you 3-6 months to be effective, that’s better than 40+ years at a job you hate!)

So if you’re serious about this whole network marketing thing and you want to be a leader yourself, you’ve got to be committed, gain experience, an appreciation for nuance and develop DEPTH of understanding, which is impossible to attain in any other way.

This is important, because it will help you develop strategies that fit your individual goals and personality.

Sure, fundamentally, everyone building offline or online has the same basic foundation.

However, we all have different approaches, styles, and tactics, because over time, we all come to occupy a slightly different space in this business.

As you implement a strategy, you learn to customize it for your strengths & weaknesses and it becomes your own.

In summary: you gain experience through repetition and you get depth of understanding, and eventually you start modifying tactics and processes so that your strategies fit you, your team, your company, your product, etc.

Step 4: Pay it Forward

Once you have a strategy, a depth of understanding, and nuance from following steps 1-3, you’ll likely have achieved success in your business and now you’re in a position to teach what you know through video, Facebook Live, blogging, e-mails, and so on.

By creating a community and communicating with people every single day you’ll “pay it forward,” and not just for your downline, but to the industry at large.

This will do 2 things for you…

1. People will notice that you’re giving value and other people are benefiting, and your following will grow. This is how we grew our community here at Elite Marketing Pro, by the way.

2. As you build your fan base, you will create your own personal brand and become a leader, whom transcends any one company or product. This is key to the final step: “push button” income.

In summary: Once you “pay it forward” and develop a following by putting out great value that helps others, you will have a following of people that want to learn more and more from you.

That’s how you create an empire: a loyal community that loves you, and knows you will lead them to good fortune.

Step 5: Become a Force

This is where you get the ability to sell and recruit network marketers en masse.

What I do mean ‘en masse’? That means recruiting a lot of people or selling a product to a lot of people, with the push of a button.

That push of a button can be clicking “send” on an email, clicking “start” a webinar, clicking “publish” on a blog post, whatever medium you choose.

Heck, you can even  “voice” your call to action on Facebook Live or Periscope and people will go buy your new course or fill out the form to sign up for your opportunity.


Because they trust you and your community, gives you credibility.

Because you paid it forward and have skills you developed that others would like to learn.

A lot of networkers miss #4 and #5. They miss the part about building a community beyond their network marketing organization.

So if anything goes wrong with their company or their team, they’re stuck. They don’t have a “plan B.”

You want to be in a position where you’re not dependent on anyone but yourself and your own brand, regardless of how awesome your company is.

That’s why step #4, building a community, is so important. It allows you to do step #5 which is becoming a force that no one can stop and you’re able to recruit network marketers en masse, at will.

Now what I just shared with you was a 5-step strategy for LEARNING and developing skills.

This strategy should be something you can apply, regardless of whether you choose to build online or offline.

However, if you’d like to learn the online business building strategies I use today to generate 400-500 red hot prospects per day, 30-50 new customers per day and 80-100 business builders per month, click here and I’ll gladly give you my Free Online Recruiting Course, so you may begin that journey.

Regardless of how you choose to build, to guarantee your success:

·       Step #1 is to find a strategy that is proven to work.

·       Step #2 is to make sure that strategy is skill based & repeatable so you can DO. RESULT. CORRECT. REPEAT.

·       Step #3 is gain experience through repetition so you have an understanding of depth and nuance.

·       Step #4 is to pay it forward so you build a community around yourself.

·       Step #5 is become a force, recruit network marketers en masse, and create “push button money”…

·       … and live happily ever after. ‘Til next time!

Don't forget to Grab your Free Online Recruiting Course Here!


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