How to Guarantee Results For Your Coaching Clients?

How to Guarantee Results For Your Coaching Clients?

"You are Full of shit, give me a refund"

Has anyone said this kind of word to you after you started coaching them?

If you said YES in your mind,

Read on

So the most common problem coaches face is, their clients don't get results.

Maybe as a coach you know how powerful your stuff is, you know that your stuff works. Because it has worked for you.

But somehow, Your Clients lack the action which is required to get the results you have got or maybe some of your successful clients have got.

And when they don't get results, they defame you in the market, which breaks your image with a hammer.

So what you can do to solve this problem?


"Your clients don't get results because you are unable to move them towards action"

Now, what do I mean?

"Your clients don't respect you enough to listen to your advice" 

though they have paid you.

It has nothing to do with what you offer, or how much powerful your stuff is

It all depends on how they are as a person themselves and how they see you as a person. And if they feel that they have more power than you,

They won't get results that you want them to get


So it is your responsibility to claim your power and respect Because nobody is going to give it to you.

Have you ever noticed why people have massive respect for the authorities?

IT"S NOT "because they are authorities"

Because they claimed their power, they are authorities, Period

Action Steps

1. Fix your Mindset to have more power than them

2. Command your power and respect

3. Charge Higher, higher, and higher.

4. As an expert COMMAND, never suggest.

Your attitude, confidence, and Boldness is Key

I have done an Exclusive Masterclass on Authority Building. 

Click Here To Watch

Watch that and DM me what you have learned

This is Prayash Pal, signing off


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