How to grow your recruitment team and tackle global hiring

How to grow your recruitment team and tackle global hiring

Pretty much in any other job, people still send out resumes. Candidates add LinkedIn to the pot, send messages to connections or to the owner of the job opening and the right person will show up, with little to no effort. In any other job but tech.

If we take a look at the? IT market we will notice two things: first, it’s hard to grab candidates’ attention, whether it’s because of the “noise” in the market or because they receive multiple offers at once – due to the lack of tech talent; and the second one is you end up getting late to the party because you don’t have enough resources.

?IT talent isn’t the kind of talent that will miraculously fall out on your desk. They don’t send out resumes and apply organically to jobs. The vast majority, 70% of job seekers, is passive? because they know recruiters will come after them. And if you want to secure the best talent, you need as many recruiters as possible.

Finding IT talent is going to get?increasingly harder and the rise of IT jobs available is anticipated to rise significantly in the upcoming years. By 2030, the IT industry labour-skill shortage will reach 4.3 million workers and an unrealised output of 449.70 billions of dollars globally. So, right now companies are hiring in-house recruiters to source and find that talent.

The growing overnight pains

The solution seems simple: if you need more people to go after talent, then hire more people. However, this can often be an inefficient solution. Hyper growth means the company is growing exponentially and that comes with challenges.

For starters, you need to find the right people, create a great hiring pipeline and bring all those people onboard, because you have to make sure everyone is rallied behind the same mission and in the same direction. All this while still caring about your values, aligning the team with them and not losing sight of your culture. Remember, you’re hiring twice more than you’re used to.

If this isn’t meticulously done, you’ll end up with overlaps, communication problems, culture gets diluted and you’ll get more “noise” in the organisation, resulting in a productivity decrease. That will ultimately result in concerns from the management teams that if or when they fail to grow revenue exponentially or stop having new rounds of funding they’ll have to fire a significant portion of their workforce. This will have a significant impact on your brand and, more importantly, on people’s lives.

Some say we’re on the verge of an economic downturn, driven by concerns over high inflation and a volatile stock market. And maybe because of that, the tech company layoffs have hit Europe. What the best-known European startups have been doing lately is make drastic cuts to their teams in order to reduce costs and preserve their cash runway for what’s to come. So, at this point, managers getting nervous about having a big team – growing by the week - and failing to grow revenue isn’t surprising.

Strategies for a fragmented market

Due to remote working and the possibility to work with people from all around the world, the market is no longer confined to a single country, it’s fragmented. So, it’s important to have people who know how to identify local communities and mainly the best way to reach a particular talent pool.

Let’s keep in mind that not all recruitment is the same. Recruiting someone in Marketing isn’t the same as recruiting tech professionals. Tech recruiters are well-equipped for interacting with highly technical professionals and that means they’re more aware of the requirements of the job. They are able to identify talent and have the skills to distinguish between the good ones and those who pretend to be good.

On top of that, tech recruiters also provide potential recruits with a good candidate experience, build a relationship with them and portray the brand’s image to the candidates. And the same applies with tools: different jobs, different tools.

Landing.Jobs works very differently in terms of both user experience and best practices, when compared to other platforms,? and that results in our community having higher expectations regarding candidate experience. And because we know that and want to keep things that way, we have trained resources on all fronts, and like David Ricardo said in his theory of comparative advantage, “specialisation matters”.

Landing.Jobs has the solution to market fluctuations

Hiring rates aren’t constant mainly because the demand isn’t constant, there are demand peaks. When companies decide to hire in-house to face that peak, they end up with unnecessary fixed costs that can’t be used in other things. And that’s exactly where Landing.Jobs comes in.

We call it TRaaS (Tech Recruiter as a Service) and is a form of an employer transferring recruitment knowledge from an external provider, in this case, Landing.Jobs. Let’s call it a specialised extra pair of hands for your company.

We provide a tech recruiter expert using a cutting-edge framework to source and hire the right professionals to fulfil your needs. We train our recruiters in the market they operate, with the tools they use there and the skills they specialise in. And the best part is, they can be adjusted to your hiring peaks with no risk of fixed costs.

There are other companies doing something similar, the difference being they allocate only one person to a project, while we allocate a whole team with different expertise – experts in sourcing, screening interviews, pipeline management. This team is relocated to the customer but its members are still legally attached to Landing.Jobs, which means we handle all the admin procedures.

If you’re looking to grow your hiring team, think outside your company, we’d be happy to help you at Landing.Jobs. Feel free to book your free demo and find out how we can tackle that peak in hiring demand you’re going through.


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