How to grow your portfolio in 12 months without the bank...

How to grow your portfolio in 12 months without the bank...

I had just finished my first lot of property investing training and was super excited to start building my portfolio.

I said to my wife "Wow this is it! things are about to change for us, after everything I have just learned, we will be out of the rat race in no time."

...Monday rolls around and I immediately call the bank to get finance so we can start house hunting.

Woowwoow... I could almost hear that noise come from the mortgage brokers mouth... You need O+O+O and because you have kids you also need O+O. (These O's are hoops to jump through)

Long story short, we would need another income to satisfy lending requirements.  

Completely deflated, I almost caved in and admitted defeat.

Then a light bulb exploded...

What if there was another way?

So I went back to my bible (Rich Dad, Poor Dad Series) and asked the question "Almighty one, is there another way?"

The law of attraction came into play and the answer was right there in front of me, just 3 letters.


After learning more about this and changing my money belief system, we were able to purchase our first investment within 3 months!

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The moral of the story is... 

Expand and open your mind to the possibility that there is another way to achieve your goal. 

For any obstacle, there is is a catapult somewhere waiting for you to jump in.

If you believe something is a long term game, it will take a long time

If you believe something can be done quicker, it will be done quicker

If you believe something can be done easier, it will be done easier

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"Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, either way you're right." - Henry Ford


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