How to grow wealth AND live a fulfilled life (Part 3/3) [For entrepreneurs] (How to solve the money AND business equation once for all)
How to solve the money AND business equation once for all.
Hello everyone, thank you for your comment and questions from the second article.
I am very excited and some of you are also.
We are on an opportunity to learn the secrets to build wealth and leave a legacy.
In the first video we presented Jannie Chan who went from owning a one store operation to building a chain of boutiques spread over Asia-Pacific regions by learning, and applying, some principles that enabled her to build wealth an leave a legacy.
And that anyone can use regardless of their intelligence or their educational background.
In the second article, we talked about how Edwards Demings taught some principles to Japanese and enabled them to dominate the world of technology, and how by applying the same principles you can build a business that prospers without your having to work in the business day by day.
Can you imagine if that was happening??
My name is A. Romeo Sesse.
I am the Ambassador of Money&You, the company that founded the Professional Training Industry and changed the lived of tens of millions of people through coaches they trans-formed, including Robert Kiyosaki who had been an instructor of Money&You for nine year and then he went to apply the principles he learned there and created his business, Rich Dad.
Today, in video 3, we are going to talk about a principle that will enable to make your business much more profitable while drastically reducing the time you spend at work.
In a moment, I will tell you about how to do this.
But before I do, I would like to tell you…
A brief story
“I have been a business owner and entrepreneur since my mid 20's - established, bought and sold businesses in Australia and New Zealand.
Doing this program in 2015 really made a difference to the context in which I operate in my business and personal life.
I could see how to take my next venture and my self personally to a whole new level of success and contribution.
The shift in results was so significant that my wife and I plus 2 friends bought the rights to deliver the programs in Australia and New Zealand.
Whether you are in business, looking at starting a business or as an employee looking for personal growth and leadership, this program definitely delivers.” Craig Doyle – Founder, Burgin and Doyle Group
Now maybe someone think that he or she is bound to be a small business owner or to be average.
Or that he or she cannot build a successful business.
I know how you feel.
I felt that way too.
I thought there was no way to build a successful business that would not require my day-to-day activities.
I was operating from the ??find work, do work, get paid?? mentality. That was undermining my income as well as peace of mind.
And then I discovered that it had not to be that way.
That by putting systems into place, I would free myself from the ??find work, do work, get paid?? mentality and will put the base to build a business that works like clockwork whether I am around or on a beach with my loved ones.
It is wonderful, is not it??
Or someone else may think “if we had better people, we wouldn’t have the problems we have in our business...”
I respect the point of view. Because one of the biggest challenges is to find the right people for the right place. Sometimes, we end up putting the wrong people at the right place.
Thinking that way, however, sometimes takes the responsibility off the business owner, leader, or manager?; and makes the people responsible and at fault for problems.
But what if?? What if it was not the people that were at fault?? What if it was the system??
The fact is if you set up a system to support your people, your people will give you their best efforts. They will get behind your products, services, and your business 100%.
And when your people know what 100% is supposed to be, and you have systems in place to make that a possibility, they will do their best to make your vision a reality!
Or maybe someone thinks he or she is not worthy of receiving large sums of money, or is not worthy enough so that money comes easily and effortlessly to him or her, and must work hard to get the money he or she receives.
Well, I will show you soon how to free yourself of these false thoughts and small ideas that keep you at a distance from the big money.
For now, I would like you close your eyes and…
Imagine a world where you have solved the money equation, where abundance is simple and natural to you, and all your money needs are constantly met, regardless of the state of the economy.
Imagine a world where finally you have built a business that runs like a clockwork, doesn’t demand your daily presence, and produces a huge flow of cash whether you are playing golf, or on the beach with your loved ones.
Imagine a world where you can be there for and devote more time to your family without the feeling of guilt that results when one feels neglecting a work that needs to be done.
Imagine a world where you are free from insomnia, stress, and potential burn-outs that result from facing seemingly insurmountable challenges in your enterprise, because you have mastered the way to make your enterprise thrive, and prosper, in good economy as well as in bad economy.
It would be wonderful, wouldn’t it??
Now I would like you to open your eyes and realize we are going to do just that.
Now how many are excited by what we talked about?? And how feel a little overwhelmed because we cover so much??
Is it ok if I show you a special offer to help you solve the money equation and business equation, and prosper regardless of the state of the economy??
It’s ok if you don’t want to know that stuff.
I already know it.
But it is not about me.
It is about you.
So is it ok if I show you how it is going to change your business and life forever??
If yes, then be on the look out for the next video.
Because I will reveal the secrets to solve the money equation and be set financially, for good.
But you must stay alert because the offer will be available for a limited times and only a handful will have the opportunity to profit from it.
So, stay alert for the next video.
If you like that video, press the like button and leave a question or comment you may have about it.
May God keep on blessing you.