How to grow wealth AND live a fulfilled life (Part 2/3) [For entrepreneurs] [Secret to move from small and medium business to BIG business]

How to grow wealth AND live a fulfilled life (Part 2/3) [For entrepreneurs] [Secret to move from small and medium business to BIG business]

Hello everyone.

My name is A. Romeo Sesse and today I am going to remind you how to have more business that you ever imagined.

Thank you for your questions and comments on article 1/3 where we presented an opportunity for transformation to make your business successful.

And we told about, The Hour Glass, the organization leading specialist watch retailer created and shaped by Jannie Chan, that was developed from a one-store operation in 1979 to a noted brand with an extensive network of boutiques located in prime shopping districts across Asia-Pacific region.

Today, it is a publicly held company whose portfolio also includes a range of interests focused largely on high-end commercial and retail properties.

Jannie, together with her team, opened a niche in Asia for anyone to wear luxury watches as jewelry pieces and in doing so became a major trendsetter.

She embraced and used the technology shared in the program you are going to learn about. Jannie Chan’s life and success is known by many and has been shared in her own book, Time to Live.

Now someone may wonder ??how Jannie turned a one-store into a wide network of boutiques located in prime shopping districts across Asia-Pacific region????

Well I will reveal you how.

But before I do, let me introduce myself.

As you know, my name is A. romeo Sesse. However, what you might not know is that when I was in highschool, my dad lost his job. And we lived in poverty.

And couldn’t afford electricty nor water.

And we were taking one meal? per day. And because of what we were going through, I promised myself to be rich to keep my parents out of the reach of poverty.

And what I discovered is that one the surest was to be rich is to build a business.

And I found people who not only are entrepreneurs themselves but had built a program to teach others to build successful business.

In fact, those people created what is known as the professional training industry today.

And most of the stars of the professional training industry went through the program of this company.

Now someone may wonder ??how Jannie turned a one-store into a wide network of boutiques located in prime shopping districts across Asia-Pacific region?????

But before I do, I would like to recall you…

An important fact…

??During World War II, a man by the name Edwards Deming was employed by the U.S. Government to work on statistics and set up the systems that would make the US military more efficient.

After the war was over, however, his position was eliminated. His teachings were no longer considered important.

At that time, he attempted to share his genius with American corporations in various industries, but they couldn’t comprehend the importance of his work because Deming’s paradigm was so far ahead of its time.

Deming began to look outside of the U.S. for those that were interested in his work and ended up offering his services to the Japanese.

When they did their research on him, they recognized an opportunity to work with a genius. They took Deming up on his offer to provide them with his System of Profound Knowledge.

Through the application of Deming’s theories, methods, and tools, the Japanese became the world-renowned Masters in productivity.

Once understood, this concept changed Japan’s history as well as its global reputation. Japanese products used to be described as “cheap, undependable and unreliable.” Japanese-made products, especially in the electronics industry, are now known as some of the best in the world, high quality, reliable, efficient and dependable.

Deming was the one who taught the Japanese this system.?

And two of the main theories he taught the Japanese – and which the American industry giants who had ignored him for 35 years finally got once they began to listen were…

I. When you have an undesirable outcome, look within the system first, you have one system and many sub-processes that are components of that single system. Then you look to the people.

II. 94% of failures in business outcomes are systems failures.

It is human nature and easier to blame people first before ever looking at a system. However, if your rule is to look at the system first, the person who sets up the business or organization realizes that they are responsible for creating a system that works.

You study the system and get feedback from all the people using it. You keep continuously correcting as you reduce any variation leading toward the ideal.

Truth be told, too many businesses are run shabbily. Few have even mediocre standards by which to measure variation.

But by introducing the philosophy of continuously improving your systems, your employees, suppliers and customers will feel the dependability of your services or products, and you’ll eventually become a leader in your field.

To bring home the point, it is important to find out what your customer or client really wants and design a continuously improving system to provide that. When you do, you will have more business than you’ve ever imagined.? Dame Doria (DC) Cordova , Business Success Model, p.57-58

Now someone may think “If we had better people, we wouldn’t have the problems we have in our business...”

I respect the point of view. Because one of the biggest challenges is to find the right people for the right place. Sometimes, we end up putting the wrong people at the right place.

Thinking that way, however, sometimes takes the responsibility off the business owner, leader, or manager?; and makes the people responsible and at fault for problems.

But what if?? What if it was not the people that were at fault?? What if it was the system??

The fact is if you set up a system to support your people, your people will give you their best efforts. They will get behind your products, services, and your business 100%.

And when your people know what 100% is supposed to be, and you have systems in place to make that a possibility, they will do their best to make your vision a reality!

Now someone may wonder how to make that real in small business or entrepreneurial venture??

Well, in the next article, I am going to show you just that. So stay in touch.

For now, I invite you to leave a comment about this.

And I will see you on the next article.

May God bless you.

Tribute to: Dame Doria (DC) Cordova , Russell Brunson , Tony Robbins, Tony O. Elumelu, C.F.R , Jean Kacou Diagou , Chris Mentzel , Ange Kacou Diagou , Joseph Boguifo , Ange Kacou Diagou , Fédération Ivoirienne des PME (FIPME) , CGECI - Le Patronat Ivoirien , Kelly Ritchie , Wayne Palmer , Frank Kern , Mark Joyner


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