How to Grow LinkedIn Page to 500+ Connections and Followers
Windave Digital Skills Academy
Our focus is on helping individuals and organizations acquire the digital skills needed to create wealth.
The more people you have interacting with your content, the more followers you attract. And, this gives you authority in your niche.
I will be speaking as a digital marketer solving other people's problems and forgetting to build my empire.
We are here to help solve small, medium, and large business problems, and we often forget that our page also serves as a portfolio for other job opportunities.
I meant for those who got gigs outside the LinkedIn office space. But let's talk about the beginners who are starting in the digital marketing world, and who like to be seen as a leader in their chosen digital marketing niche.
The steps highlighted are very easy only if you set out time(focus) and stick to it. The result can be defined as. What do you think I should use to describe the result?
Well, let's go on in and help you grow your affluence in the official digital marketing office (LinkedIn).
Here are (7) ways to grow your LinkedIn page in less than 30 days. It doesn't require a lot, other than determination to grow and service.
Content highlights
Yes, you already have an account that's why you're searching for this. My bad! But this is for those who are still missing out on the opportunities LinkedIn has to offer.
Ok, you already have an account. I'd like to point out a few things to be checked.
Optimize your LinkedIn page: Optimizing with the right keywords cannot be overemphasized especially to get easily spotted by employers.
First, ensure your bio covers your strengths and how you help people (You have to be a problem-solver because that's why they need your expertise).
Also, let your summary cover all your relevant competence. Make it readable and memorable. It can be in a story format, but keep it short and simple. (KISS method)
Share with family and friends: now, after the first two steps, you connect with people you know. It will be easier to start with them because they know you.
And, the family loves to assist.
Share valuable content: Give tips for problem-solving in your niche. Talk about the work ethic in your niche, and talk about how your service can boost positive results when applied properly.
It's a digital office space, and the only way to prove your worth is by sharing what you're good at in an understandable way.
Reach out: Now, you have got a few connections, this will make it safe for others to connect with you.
Go through other thought leaders in your niche, and observe their works.
Grow your network by sending connection messages to them.
Example; Hello, Mike I so much appreciate your work, and I’d love to connect and learn from you.
There is every possibility that after sending such a message to 15-20 people, 10-12 would accept the connection request because of the personalized message.
Engagement: This is also a good technique for growing your network. Comment strategically on fellow thought leaders' content. Do not use the options given by LinkedIn. Such as; Thanks for sharing, Great message, yes that's right, etc.
Read the content properly, and understand the angle of the message being passed, analyze and comment strategically. That will stand you out from the others. Some people have gotten gigs only because they commented relevantly on a post. Think more and far before you comment.
The more you comment strategically, the more you establish your expertise and connections.
Analyze and stay consistent: You keep sharing your thoughts on your expertise. Give values and connect with like-minded individuals.
Analytics is all part of growth. Check which post has more impression or engagement. Share more content because that's what your audience is interested in.
Follow industries that you would love to work with and engage their companies post
Search some hashtags in the search for jobs. (it can be niche down or #hiring)
Turn on creating a creators mode (to have access to more tools)
Turn on the Open to Work option in the profile section.
Ask for endorsement and recommendations.
Take a skills assessment
Keep your Resume up-to-date
The benefits of having a great LinkedIn page are numerous, from getting gigs, gaining more connections, collaboration, etc.
Good luck in growing your network in the digital office.
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