How to grow and excel in your business in 2022?
Sat Kirtan “The Conscious Business Consultant” Kaur Khalsa
Promoting Positivity and Happiness for CEOs | Conscious Business Consultant | Author of "How to Become a Conscious Leader" and "Bye Bye Stress in 9 Minutes or Less”
I love numbers. Always have. That’s probably why I was a database marketeer for 7 years, before entering the path of yoga and in particular Kundalini Yoga ;-)
Kundalini Yoga is called the mother of all yoga, as it contains a vast variety of subjects, from posture, to breath, to mantras, to food, but also, and this is less known, it is deeply connected to the science of the Akara Numerology.?
In this science you learn the language of the numbers. I’ve been studying this in depth personally with one of the best teachers in the world, Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa. She was the personal numerologist by Yogi Bhajan, did thousands and thousands of readings, she is the author of the book Akara Numerology and she is the one who writes each month the ‘monthly forecast’ on the 3HO site.?
I always, somewhere in the back of my mind, had the idea of writing my own forecast…?
But I never put it into action, until now.?
Now I feel inspired by her and the number 22, which stands for Masterplanner. With the help of the 22 energy, it was easy to make the commitment with myself to make my own version of the monthly forecast, of which this one is the first.?
Just stating this here, helps me a little more, as now I’ve said it here, I will need to commit to it, as the 4 is the number of the word…
In my monthly forecasts I will focus mainly on how you can use the energy of the numbers to get the most out of yourself, your team and your business.?
So, I’m happy to share the first one with you and love to hear back from you.?
2022: The Year of healthy boundaries, ask ‘what would love do?’ and following the Master plan.
So let us look at 2022.?
Looking at the numbers of 2022, we see three times a 2.?
So let us look what kind of energy the 2 will bring us.?
The 2 is a feminine energy number.?
Please embrace the femininity within yourself.
Follow your natural cycles, take rest, nourish yourself, surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you and set your boundaries. This is going to be the key and essential for your own wellbeing and success.?
So please learn to say no. Practice it simply by turning your head to the left on an inhalation and to the right on an exhalation. Do this 3 minutes at the start and end of your day, while your eyes are focused on your 3rd eye, to increase your intuition. Try it out for one week and feel the effect.??
And as important as learning to say no, is to figure out where you feel a 100% or even better a 1000% full YESSS. Knowing that, will make saying no so much easier. I can help you figure out what your 1000% full YESSS is and I’d be happy to do so, based on your personal numbers.?
So far on the number 2.?
Let’s move on to the number 4, which comes from the 22.?
Like I said before, 22 is the Masterplanner. So this year is a very good year to look ahead. What is it you want to accomplish in one year from now, in 5 years? Do you have a clear goal for yourself? Meditate on it, make a vision board and dream limitless.?
Another beautiful and powerful exercise that will help you get clarity on your long term goals is to write a letter from your older self to your younger self.?
Just imagine your life is about to finish and you look back at what you accomplished. What is going to be in that letter??
I did it for myself too and it was truly a healing experience for me. It helped clear so many subconscious blocks. It made me realise I’m just light and love and no one or nothing is able to take that love or dim that light, as it comes from inside.?
Through this, I could embrace everlasting peace within, which is giving me the feeling of BLISS.?
Based upon that experience, I sat down in meditation and allowed my mission to come through.?
I’m very happy to share it now with you.?
My mission is to be a powerful lighthouse. To be steady and ready to serve selflessly with an open heart and an open mind.?
When people think of me, they realise and experience how much love and light there is within their own heart.?
It’s my prayer that that love will slowly start to melt away all their pain, their frustrations, their feelings of scarcity and even their trauma’s, so they too can be free within themselves and share their light and their love.?
This is how I see our future, let’s remember we are here to elevate ourselves and each other.?
I’m so grateful that my mission came to me so clearly.?
It’s definitely the effect of my daily early morning practice, ‘Shine Your Light & Share Your Love’ which I’ve been sharing since Valentine’s Day last year and you’re welcome to join me anytime.??
Everything I do this year will be aligned with this mission.?
I’m curious to hear about your mission. Will you share it with me?
Let’s continue, as my long term mission is clear now, it is time for an action plan with baby steps that will lead up to the big plan.?
So, like I said, I’ll continue to share my early morning sessions. If you want to commit yourself to my daily morning sessions, I welcome you and I’ll promise I’ll be there, each and every day live. That’s my foundation, my anchor. Did you know my legal last name is ‘Van den Anker’, so it’s very important to me to have an anchor.?
Ask yourself: “What is your anchor in your day?”?
Having this point of reverence will be one of the keys to your success, not only on a material level, but also on a spiritual level. Especially this year, you will need it, your personal daily practice will be your point of rescue. You will feel so grateful for your practice and many times the thought, “what would I do without my practice?” will come to you.?
Your practice can be anything from a daily walk, going to the gym, doing a specific meditation each day, doing yoga, going cycling or anything, going in an ice bath. As long as it nourishes your body, mind and spirit and strengthens your immune system.?
This will make a huge difference.?
Having an anchor and clarity on your mission. That will give you the stability and the steadiness needed to build your empire.?
My upcoming book 'How To Become a Conscious Leader. 5 Vital Lessons EOs can Learn from a Yogi to Build Trust and Make an Impact' will definetily help building my empire. You can already download it for free.
To make a positive Impact is my Teacher Training to Become a Successful Business Yogi with Clients in 90 days, which starts on the 11th of Feb. And more to come. Everything I do, I will do it with the intention to share my love & shine my light. I hope you can feel that in this free Masterclass.??
To step into the natural leader within, I keep on investing and growing myself. I feel grateful for the teachers and Masters in my life. My journey into Naad Yoga under the supervison of the Master from Amritsar, India, enriches my life. Naad Yoga is the yoga of sound and singing opens the heart and especially for me, as my name Sat Kirtan means, ‘the one who brings the truth singing’, it is my key to open my heart, which is related to the number 4.?
Now please look at your calendar, start filling it with your activities.??
Before I end this forecast, there is one more number to dive into and that is the number 6.?
If you add 2+0+2+2 you end up with a 6.?
Six is the number of love, of the family, of beauty and the number 6 likes things to be safe, secure and protected. The protection and reputation of the family, home and surrounding environments is supremely important to a 6.?
If you have been to a Kundalini Yoga class, it starts with 2 mantra’s. The second one is Aad Gure Nameh, Jugaad Gure Nameh, Sat Gure Nameh, Siri Guru Dev Nameh. This one is for protection. With each line you chant, you can imagine light in front of you, light next to you, light behind you and light on the other side of you, while you chant it and then you’re surrounded by light and that’s what protects you.
I remember my first yoga teacher sharing that she would always chant this mantra when she would go on the bike through a red light in Amsterdam. I myself always chant it at least 3 times when I start my car. It just gives me a safe feeling to have a layer of protection around me.?
The 6 represents the Arcline which is your radar to move through this world. This is the year to learn to trust your intuition, learn to trust yourself. Make time to meditate, time to listen, time to feel what is going on inside of you.?
And the last thing to know about the 6 is that it represents justice and fair play and number 6 hates it when things are unfair in the family, school, or social issues.?
If there are unfair dynamics in the family for too long it will definitely develop a health issue, as it is your self-esteem saying, “Hey, stop this now, it is killing me to allow myself to be treated so badly. You are betraying your higher self; speak up now!”?
This is a very common occurrence within families and as a humanity we are working through this together. So work on forgiving, learn to speak up or if you feel speaking up is not going to make the situation better, pray and send your love.?
I’ll end this forecast with a prayer, which is one of the aspects of a 6, so be aware of what you pray for…?
May you remember the creator who created you.?
May your pain and worries be sent far away from you.
May you create a beautiful world with your actions.?
May the words you speak uplift you and others.?
May there be inner peace within you.?
May you recognize the light within you.
May you have the clarity to choose what love would do.?
May you have the courage to be YOU.?
May you love YOU unconditional.
Thank YOU
Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa
It’s my prayer that this forecast for 2022 uplifts you and inspires you.?
Feel free to share it with your friends and thank you once more for reading it. I had a lot of fun and wonderful insights while writing it.?
If you want me to look at your specific numbers for 2022, or make your BluePrint Analysis, book it here.
???? Zielsgids: ik breng je in contact met je ziel dmv zielzang en innerlijk kind werk
3 年Sounds just right!